"Your new neighbour."

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|Chapter 1

Michael POV

"Yes, mom, I'll go to the doctors." I tell my mother as I pick up my cup of coffee and walk out of the kitchen into the living room.

My mother blabbers a bunch of other stuff, that I'm not listening to and I just respond with occasional, 'yeah.', 'uh huh' and then finally get done with it telling her someone's at the door. Obviously I was lying and no one was at the door.

I place the phone down on my coffee table and walk over to the door to grab the newspapers. I drag my feet and sip on my coffee while pulling the door open.

Now usually I open the door and look at the apartment door across from mine, where nobody lives, because it's the first thing I see when I open the door. But today, that was not what happened.

I bend down and pick up my paper to see the door wide open and my landlord and some tall blond standing right in front. I drop the papers by accident, but retrieve them before either of the two notice.

One, because I hate the landlord.

Two, because the blond turned around and looked at me. Might I add he was attractive?

I was about to shut the door and as I was half-way there, I heard my landlord- or the devil- call my name out.


I mumble a cuss word and open the door again revealing myself in my sweatpants and Green Day shirt to the blond. Flashing an extremely fake smile I reply, "Good morning, Mr. Smith."

"Michael, this.." He gestures to the hot boy and says, "is Luke. Your new neighbour."

Ohhh. Mikey likey.

"Well then, welcome Luke." I grin and stretch my arm out to shake his after tossing the newspaper behind me. He smiles and returns the gesture.

I'd be lying if I said the handshake didn't send shocks up my arm, because fuck. It did.

Just then Mr. Smith's phone began to ring and he excused himself to answer it. I silently cheered that I was left with Luke.

I look him up and down in that time and I can honestly say I have never seen a better view in my entire life. He was tall, blue eyed, blond hair quiffed to perfection- which is surprising at 9 am and he had a lip ring on his bottom lip. He wore a plain black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He is definitely my kinda guy.

"You like Green Day eh?" Luke asks, pointing at my shirt and I snap out of my fantasy and look down, as if examining my shirt and nod proudly.

"Like? Not so much. Love.." He lets out a soft chuckle and tucks his hands into the pockets of his skinny jeans and bites his bottom lip while rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Me too."

Common interest no.1: Both like Green Day..

Yep, that's enough similarity to date him.

I smile, probably almost tearing a little side of my mouth, but before I could tell him anything the devil walks back and tells Luke that they should head down to his office.

The little fucker.

I frown as they walk away and begin closing the door, still watching Luke walk away. WHen he suddenly turns around and stares at me.

"Nice meeting you Michael! Can't wait to be your neighbour!"


Fuck yeah.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter to my book! and it is my first time writing so I am pretty excited! :)

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