Opening the panel, they stood face to face for a moment, staring into each other's eyes.

The director broke the silence, "You've killed quite a few of our men."

He replied, "That is how our line of work is. Kill or be killed. But then again you would know that better than anyone."

They stared at each other for a moment longer, then the director took a deep sigh, an expression of sadness and weariness forming on his face that made him look closer to his age, as he said, "What a damn cruel world we live in, then. We sent people to kill you, someone who kills other people, and ended up with even more dead people and yet here you are and there they are, in their graves. I do what I can to protect this country from threats abroad, and yet a part of me, the idealist in me that I suppressed long ago to do my job, wishes that we could just all move past all that and get along so that no-one has to die and that we can spare time and money to deal with the real issues plaguing humanity." Thiago stared at him. The director of the CIA had a philosophical streak?

He paused for a moment, then spoke, "However, the realist in me recognizes that as of right now, you are our best bet into stopping what looks like a national, if not a global catastrophe. I have agents across the country who I could mobilize to deal with this threat, however I'm having a little trouble trusting anyone right about now." A vicious look formed on his face as he temporarily drifted into thoughts of vengeance, a muscle jumping in his jaw. If he ever got his hands on the people who had betrayed their country, he would make such an example of them that not even the hundredth generation of their descendants - should his punishment leave them capable of producing offspring- would forget the terror of what was inflicted on their ancestors. Bringing himself under control, he continued in a more composed tone, "In addition, I have your file. You are the best person available in this given situation. We-"

Thiago interrupted him, "What makes you think that I'm available, much less willing to work for you?" He knew that the director was right; if the CIA had been infiltrated, anyone from the janitor to his second in command could be an enemy. Furthermore, he needed the directors knowledge and expertise to carry out the fledgling plan that had begun forming in his mind. However, old habits, formed by a long career of never working for anything but his own terms, did not allow him to accept his offer as it was. If he was going to do this, there would be a price. There was always a price.

From the background, Graham's voice sounded, "Do you mind letting him in? It's not safe keeping that door open too long."

Apologizing for his rudeness, he stepped out of the way to let him in. The director strode past him, firm but quick footsteps taking him inside to a straight backed chair, where he proceeded to sit and tell him, "Because whoever is after you will likely not pursuing you until either they are destroyed or you are. With my help, the former is a little bit more likely."

Thiago considered this, then spoke, "Alright, but I have conditions."

With a slight frown, the director replied, "I thought it might come to that. However, seeing the direness of the situation, you have but to name your terms. On behalf of the US government, I am authorized to accept them in the name of national security."

Thiago took a breath, then spoke, "First, we follow my plan and my rules. You may offer advice to the effect of better carrying out the plan, but the core of the plan does not change. Furthermore, you will do whatever I ask of you, no matter what that is. The same goes for anyone we might happen to use or bring with us along the way."

"Second, I want US citizenship. However, this will be under a fake name, and my entire background will be forged. But then again, that is understood."

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