Chapter 6 - Romance In Paris (Chryl)

Start from the beginning

"Haha! Hey, we're still quite far from the Eiffel tower. Wanna race?" I offered the "deal".




The second Dylan shouted, I dashed off with a blast of cold air. I looked behind me,

Hey, where....

I felt a kiss.

I turned around with a smirk.

"Shits about to go down Mr. Sexy!" I shouted to him.

I spreaded my wings even wider and flew higher and faster. Dylan wasn't slow either. He used his wind to send an extra boost.

I reached the bottom of the Eiffel tower.

"Hey, Dylan's not here. Yes! I'm the first!!" I jumped with excitement and it immediately ended when I heard Dylan say.

"Look up beautiful!"

I looked up.

Dylan was standing on top of the Eiffel tower. Balancing on one foot.

How does he even...

Dylan came down twirling.

When he was almost touching the ground, he flew towards Chryl and scooped her up.

I smiled.

He smiled and said.

"Hey gorgeous, what should I get as a prize?"

I looked in his blue eyes. I was drowning in it. It was like a tunnel leading you to a place where you would never know. It was the thing about Dylan, he was perfect from the tallest tip of his hair to the very bottom of his foot. Every inch of him mattered.

I didn't reply.

I just touched his face with both of my hands and kiss him gently on the cheek.

"Now, that, was worth more than a million dollars." He said to me, putting me down.

We laid on the green grass, starring at the beautiful Eiffel tower. It was lit from the bottom to the top. It's beauty was priceless.

We chatted for a long time, until it was almost midnight.

"What time is it? It's getting late. We should get back." I said to Dylan.

"Agreed. Let's phone our parents."

With that, we called our parents.

"Chryl? Oh thank goodness you're okay. Listen up baby, they has been a slight change of plans." My mom said.

"What? What plan?" I answered.

"Some of The Dark Actions has been found destroying the west Wards in Peru....."

"But they can't mom! No Dark Actions can touch the Wards! Once they touch it they will immediately be turned into ash remember mom?"

"If they we're turnt into ash, why am I calling you then?!" Mom said.

"Listen Chryl, they are destroying the Wards now. And according to the fairies there, the percentage of the Wards' protection is decresibf slowly. It could be any minute for them to break into Peru. We need the four season fairies and the four elements fairies to go and battle with us as they are the strongest. Listen Chryl, cone back to the Oak Tree immediately and bring Dylan along with you. Quick Chryl, if they bring the Wards down, we are done for." With that, she ended the call.

I was pale.

"Chryl, is everything okay?" Dylan asked.

"No, it's not. Let's fly back to the Oak Tree. We have no time so loose. Ill tell you on the way back." Immediately after that, I summoned my Charr. After Dylan saw that I summoned my Charr, he summoned his too. It was a sparrow. With that, we rode on our animals and flew back to the Oak Tree.

On the way back, I told Dylan everything that my mom had said to me. From top to bottom. I never missed any detail.

"But if the Wards are breaking that means Peru isn't safe, forever." Said Dylan.

"Exactly! C'mon Grag, we have to hurry!" I said.

This was my first battle with The Dark Actions. I was more afraid than pumped. Although I love, LOVE, LOVES!! The sight of my enemies dying, blood splattering and organs spilling out, I was afraid that it would be me who was the one that was painting the grounds red with blood.

We reached the Oak Tree. When I went inside, the tree. I saw Ashley, Quinn, Nicole, Roffer, Gale, Tarroy, My mom, My dad, Dylan's mom, Dylan's dad and many other fairies in their fighting gear.

"Chryl!! Quick! Change into your fighting gear! We need to move!! The Wards are going to worn out soon!" Nicole said.

With that, me and Dylan changes into our fighting gear and we had a short breafing.

I was really nervous. It was my first battle. I knew that I was ready because if I wasn't, the Circle wouldn't have picked me. I was that kind of person that negativity and doubt took over me when I was about to do something for the first time.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. Okay?" Said Dylan with a soothing sweet voice.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's go."

Right after that, we summoned our Charr and flew to Peru.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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