“You have to wait for me afterschool anyways, so you can drive.”

“Why are you…? Oh…” Adrian realized.

“Detention,” we said together. Koda glanced between us.

“Can we go now?” he asked enthusiastically. I laughed and grabbed my keys. Reluctantly I gave them to Koda. He snatched them and jumped into the driver’s seat. I was getting nervous.

Koda’s driving wasn’t too horrible. We made it just in time to class. Turns out we had the same math class; I just hadn’t realized he was in it. He opted to sit next to me, staring down the person who normally sat next to me. Koda held my hand until Mr. Young came in. I was somewhat uncomfortable, considering the gawking expressions we were receiving in addition to the fact that we weren’t going out.

Mr. Young raised his eyebrows at us and I let go of Koda’s hand, having an excuse. Koda shifted his desk a little closer to mine when Mr. Young wasn’t looking. He reached out and began doodling on the corner of my notebook. At first I thought it was random nonsense pictures, defined by the fact that he couldn’t draw. Then I realized that he had drawn balloons and cards, then a door showing two stick figures inside. From his awful drawings I had to assume one was a girl, and the other was a guy. When he drew a question mark after it I understood what he was asking.

What happened between you and Novosi? I could see that that’s what he wanted to know. I drew a heart and crossed it out, hoping he’d understand that it was a hate thing. It seemed like he understood when he nodded and drew another question mark. I responded by drawing two angry people and then the girl leaving. I wrote ‘missed detention’ after it. Koda nodded. He was about to draw something else when I heard my name.

“Tanya! Koda! What is the tangent of this sixty degree angle?” Mr. Young barked at us.

“Radical three,” I responded immediately. Mr. Young grumbled something.

“Pay attention next time Koda,” he said, frowning and returning to the lesson. Koda went back to doodling on my notebook, drawing really random things. At one point, I was pretty sure he drew a pair of underpants.

When the bell had rung, the two of us were the first out. Adrian was already waiting for me. I waved goodbye to Koda as he headed off to his next class. Adrian and I headed towards English with Mrs. Karr.

We were halfway towards English when the incredible happened. Unfortunately today, I had decided to wear skirt, which I’d had from when I was thirteen, I was glad they still fit, and I wasn’t surprised when I felt a hand reach under and grab my ass. What did surprise me was that the second I whipped around to beat up the guy, Adrian had, in the blink of an eye, already punched the stupid jock.

The guy, Kevin I believe, was on his feet again, clutching his eye. With his other fist, he punched Adrian smack in the nose. Adrian toppled backwards and I caught him as he backed into me. Before he could return the punch I stepped between the two, shoving Adrian against the lockers with one hand then turning to Kevin.

Due to my height, I had to stare at him, but I packed in all the menace I could. He stared back at me defiantly, a smirk lighting up his face.

“You have one nice…” before he could even finish the sentence I kicked his legs out from under him and pinned him down, straddling him as he stared at me, shocked.

“If you touch me ever again, I will personally have you sent to the emergency room.” I spat. Kevin’s eyes widened before his smirk replaced it.

“Well, if you weren’t wearing such a short skirt…” his hands trailed up my leg.

I slapped him. “Show some restraint, dude. Go knock up some easier girl. You know you went get this.” I stood up and dusted myself, stepping on his chest lightly as I walked over him. “By the way, don’t you dare ever hit Adrian again; you will be tackled by an elephant next time.”

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