The sounds of battle rang through the spire, steel on flesh and wood. Men shouted and called out battle plans, others grunted and traded blows. While Sheena couldn't see any of the action, she almost could get a sense of it from just listening. Soon the cries died off and the lone archer from above shrieked and moved from his perch. The wooden door sealing the hostages inside burst open, and Sheena shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun, bracing herself for another beating.

A man with a thick beard moved into her vision and extended his hand. Blood was smeared on his face, but his eyes were gentle. He wore the unmistakable colors of the Macrae Clan. Before Sheena could convince herself to take his hand, he withdrew it and stared up through the spire, catching sight of the lone archer. He called out to his men, "Get that one! Donae kill him though, he needs to spill his words before we spill his guts."

One of the clansmen nodded and bounded up the stairs, knocking the archer's meager sword away and grabbing him by the cuff of his shirt. They dragged him down the stairs, his legs knocking against each stone step. Barron Macrae nodded in approval. He turned back to Sheena.

"Aye, lass, you're safe now, thanks to Alec Macrae. Come with us, there's plenty 'f room in the castle for you lot."


The clansmen gathered up the wounded and sickly villagers and took them back to the castle. The ones who could not walk were carried, while others were gently guided. Sheena's lips felt as if they were sewn shut, but she hoped her gratitude was more than evident.

Upon arriving back in the castle, the clansmen directed the group of villagers to the mess hall, where they had food set out.

Sheena watched Barron and his men carry the lone archer through the mess hall. She moved to intercept them, and when they saw her coming, stopped to humor her. She gave Barron a small nod, then spat in the prisoner's face. "I hope you rot," she said. Barron chuckled and dragged the man out into the hall to the dungeon.

Sheena was grateful to be able to eat again. She doled out enough for herself, her mother and her Da, who needed rest.

After having some supper, she found Barron Macrae and asked him where they might stay.

"Ah," he said as he scratched his beard. "I haven't thought that one through yet. I suppose you're the first to ask, so you can have first pick."

"I just need somewhere where my Da can rest, he's taken an illness since we were captured..."

"I think I got just the place. Follow me."

Sheena and her family were given Gavin's old quarters, a surprisingly lavish room that made their old home look like a small broom closet in comparison. Sheena couldn't help but touch every surface, letting her hand explore the smooth gold work or intricate and wrought designs that were carved into the stone walls. She rested her Da in the plush bed and turned to Barron, who seemed smugly satisfied with the arrangement.

"You sure the Laird won't mind?"

"He shouldn't, seeing as you're the Douglas Clan, right? Where is your sister? The red-headed one."

Sheena was taken aback. "What has that got to do with anything?"

Barron frowned. "Where is she?"

"She escaped the night the attacks started. I donae know where she went. Why?"

Barron smiled. "Good. We haven't found any red-haired lasses among the..." he cleared his throat and nodded. "The Laird has taken a fancy to her, so it sounds like they both made it out alive. Thank God. Alec is a good leader, but certainly not cut out for it." Barron smiled and folded his arms. "He'll come to see you soon, I imagine."

Barron turned to leave, but caught himself and asked one last question. "What was your sister's name again?"

"Elyn." Sheena nodded, a bit of a nervous relief stirred in her heart. If Elyn was alright, that would be a huge burden lifted from the shoulders of her parents. Maybe it was the kind of news that would help cure her Da of his illness, wracked with worry as he was.

After Barron left to leave the Douglas family alone, Sheena went to the bedside and clasped her Da's hand. "Did you hear the news, Da?"

He coughed a little and smiled at her. "That Elyn is okay? I did."

Sheena's Ma smiled and her eyes started to glaze with tears. "I can't believe it. I thought fer sure..."

"Me too, Ma, me too." She laid down to rest.

After a couple of hours, Sheena woke to a wind rushing in through the open balcony door. The sky had blackened like soot, and an electric sensation filled the air. Within a few moments, the familiar scent of the dewy earth met her, the chilled rain splashing into the chamber. Thunder cracked outside as lightning flashed into the room, muting the torches each time it struck.

Footsteps down the hallway signaled another visitor. This time it was Alec Macrae, as Barron had promised. He stood in the doorway and looked inside as if he were intruding.

"Can I come in?"

"Are you Alec?"


Sheena nodded and leaped to meet him at the doorway, unsure of the warmness of her cheeks. Alec was a good-looking man in her eyes: rugged, with a scruffy stubble. His bright blue eyes seemed to wash over her with gentle warmth. He seemed familiar, and as she watched him move to the bedside, she remembered seeing a dark-haired man on the balcony when she was carried off into the spire, she was sure he hadn't seen her at all. But she had seen him. Alec folded his arms as he stepped up next to Gavin's old bed.

"I take it you're head of the Douglas Clan," Alec said. Colin nodded weakly.

"Aye. What honor do you visit us with?"

"It seems the Laird has a keen interest in the protection of your family. Barron tells me that your other daughter, Elyn, has fled. We expect the Laird found her and is keeping her safe. That's all we can know or expect." Alec frowned, casting a glance to Sheena for a moment. "I should confess, I also came for selfish reasons. I wanted to meet this stunning beauty."

Sheena blushed, and tried to hide her face. She didn't want Alec to get a bad impression of her, but the look in his eyes betrayed his vulnerability. There wasn't a bad impression she could give. He moved next to her and took her hand, his palm rough but gentle on hers. He kissed it and admired the flush in her cheeks as she withdrew her hand tenderly.

Colin hacked again. "What kind of father would I be to deny the second family of Eilean Donan?"

"A father who cares. I donae want to coerce ye into making any decisions. If you or she decline my offer, you are still more than welcome to stay in the Laird's chambers until he returns. I hope that will be soon. I haven't heard a single word from him — which I suppose is good enough. No body parts have shown up on our doorstep."

"What was the Laird planning?" Sheena asked.

"He was hoping to make it to Castle Iverlochy to speak with the King to stop the MacDonald Clan from exacting any more vengeance. That was until... we learned some grim news from the last standing archer."

"What news?"

"That they weren't hired by the MacDonalds. They were hired by the Maxwells."

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