It's Not Your Fault

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Mikey's P.O.V.

"How many times to we have to tell you Mikey? NO SKATEBOARDING IN THE LAIR!"

"You wrecked the dojo!"

"You destroyed my lab!"

I just stood there as my brothers yelled at me. I can't believe they're so mad. I didn't mean to make a mess. I was just trying to have some fun. I am pulled out of my thoughts when all three of my older brothers yell.

"You're so irresponsible Mikey!"

"It was an accident! I didn't mean for this to happen! You guys never let me have any fun, so I made my own." I say.

"This isn't fun Mikey, this is just being reckless." Leo says as he looks down at me. He is the oldest and a lot taller than me.

"Fine! You guys think I'm so reckless I'll just stay out of your way!" I say, I turn and run to my room.

"Michelangelo!" I hear Leo call me, but I don't care I just slam my door.

I plop down on my bed. They think I'm nothing but a burden. I meant it when I said I would get out of their way. I grab a backpack and fill it with stuff I might need. A jacket, some comic books, extra nunchucks, action figures, and a few other things.

I wait until 12:00 to leave. Everyone should be asleep by now. I walk out of my room and down the hallway. I look around and make sure the coast is clear.

I start to walk to the door. It's pitch black and I can't see anything. I run into the TV. It crashes to the floor. This is not good. That will definitely wake one of my brothers up. I start to run to the door. I make it out and go topside.

Leo's P.O.V.

I was asleep when I heard Raph calling my name. I get up and grab my twin katanas, you know just in case. I run out into the hallway.

"Leo would ya hurry up!" Raph said from the living room. I run in there.

"What, what is it?" I ask, when I get there I see the TV knocked over and Donnie standing by Raph.

"Leo, Mikey's gone." Donnie said.

"What?! What do you mean he's gone?!" I ask. How could he be gone?

"Well, I was woken up by a crash, so I got up to see what it was. I came into see this." Donnie said, gesturing to the TV set. "I thought Raph knocked it over and then left it there. But when I asked him, he didn't know anything about it. Then-"

"Yeah its always me isn't it? It couldn't have been Mr. Perfect Leonardo could it?" Raph said cutting Donnie off and pointing at me. I gave him an annoyed look. Donnie gave him a 'are you kidding' look before continuing.

"Anyway, so I went to see if Mikey did it. But when I got to his room he wasn't there. I came back in here and realized that the door was left open. I think Mikey ran away."

"You don't think, you know, Mikey ran away. So what are you ganna do fearless?" Raph asked.

"I'll go get him, you guys can go back to bed." I say.

"Are you sure Leo?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Raph said turning back to his room. He might act like he isn't worried, but I know that he won't sleep until I come back with Mikey.

I turn and start to head topside. I need to find my little brother.

Mikey's P.O.V.

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