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                                                                  <====  (Vote if you love GLEE)

I know, I'm sorry this isn't a real chapter... But I'm gonna go on holidays soon and I didn't want to leave you guys like that, so this is a little present for you guys... Aiden's POV!

But there's a catch... This isn't as the same time as the story! Yes, this is Sasha and Aiden's first time together... They were 15 and young... I introduced, well more like vaguely refered to, a new character, but she won't really have a big big role in this, so...

Yeah, anyhoe, this is just for you, I wrote it only for you, you, you!

(Mario Kart style) Here we go!

PS: Sorry for all the mistakes, it's hard to write properly on an iPhone, and my editors have disappeared...

PPS: The song of this chapter is OBVIOUSLY "Do You Wanna Touch Me", because that's pretty much what Sasha is asking lol... And I know, Glee again, but I knew this song before they performed it and weirdly enough I prefer Glee's version...

PPPS: Another picture of Aiden on the side...  My goodness, I'll never get tired of this body... *drools*


Sasha came in through my open door, her face a motionless mask, then thoroughly closed it. I furrowed my eyebrows in worry. What was with her? Had something bad happened to her? She looked OK, but she sat on my bed silently, and started to play with her fingers. Now that was weird- Sasha was never silent.

I scooted over, sitting right next to her, and put a hand on her shoulder looking at her. "Sasha, are you OK?" I asked softly.

She turned her head and stared intently at me with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. After a minute or two at staring at each other, Sasha suddenly leaned in and captured my lips. I widened my eyes but didn't react, too startled to have the right reaction- which was to push her away. After a couple of seconds, I closed my eyes and let myself into the kiss.  When she cupped the back of my head I snapped out of it and broke the kiss by pushing her away from me.

"Sasha, what are you doing?" I asked, checking her eyes to see if she had taken anything.

"Aiden, we're best friends right?" she eventually asked.

I chuckled lightly, "Yeah of course silly!"

"Do you love me?" She asked again, making my laughter die.

I gulped, "What do you mean I love you?"

She didn't answer though, she just stared at me again, making me uncomfortable.

"Of course I love you Sash, you're my best friend," I said when I realized she wasn't going to answer.

She nodded with a determined look on her face and attacked my lips again. This time I didn't let my body take over. I pushed her away and stood up. If she was going to jump on me like that every time I won't be able to control my body! I am a guy for Pete's sake! We're crude and mean people! Bad, bad people!

"Sasha, what on Earth is happening to you?" I cried out.

"Let's have sex," she said bluntly.

I gaped at her, was she serious? "What?"

"Let's have sex. I mean we're both virgins right?" She was looking at me as if she expected to me to say "no". Why would she think that, I had no idea. I mean, we were best friends, and I told her everything. We were now even closer since Alicia had moved out of town. The first days were the harderst for Sasha; she was silent and she would always want to hug me, as if I could fill a hole... Wow, that came out way wrong!

I pushed my thoughts away and nodded, sitting back next to her. Yes, at 15 years old I was still a virgin. My guy friends were giving a hard time because of that, so please don’t start.

"Then let's have sex," She said again, an enthusiastic smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

"Sasha, no, you should be doing that with your boyfriend, not me." I told her and scooted away from her. She didn't give up and moved closer to me.

"No," she just said.

"Why?" I asked stupidly.

She sighed, "Look Aiden. I don't wanna be a virgin any more, and I don't trust Nathan. You, I trust you, I know you'll never hurt me. I know the first time should be special, but hey I love you and you love me, that makes it special."

"I thought girls wanted it to mean something," I insisted.

I thought girls did it with their boyfriends, I thought they wanted it to happen in a big fancy hotel room, with candles and subdued lightning. I never thought a girl would want to do it for the first time with their virgin best friend. But this is Sasha we're talking about, she isn't just any girl...

"Of course it will mean something, since it'll be with you," she said and her eyes glowed.

I couldn't help but feel my heart warm up a bit in my chest. It touched me that she thought about me in such words. But she was wrong to think that way. She had to do it for the first time with someone she really loved. The love you have for a best friend isn’t enough…

But I had to admit, she had a point. And it wasn't like I didn't want to have sex with her, because she was good if you know what I mean. I wanted to feel that long thick wavy brown hair on my skin. I wanted to roam my hands on her soft curves. She was skinny and short, but it didn't mean she didn't have boobs, because these boobs... It made every guy in our grade peek at her during PE, and every girl green with jealousy. They weren't gross King Kong boobs, they were just the right size and nicely shaped. Yes, I had peeked as well, but not in PE. No, just every day. Yes, I avow. I wasn't against the idea of tapping that. Just the thought of grabbing her little ass made my mouth water, I didn't want to think of the opportunity of nailing her.

"I don't have a condom" I eventually said.

Her eyes lit up and she beamed at me. "It's OK, I've been on the pill for a while now," She shrugged.

"You've been planning that, haven't you!" I laughed.

She just shrugged and gave me a sheepish smile. When my laughter died, silence filled the room again. Slowly, Sasha leaned in again, gazing at my lips until hers finally reached mine. She put a little pressure at first, but started to move her lips against mine and I followed her lead. That girl certainly knew how to kiss… Damn that Nathan was a lucky morherfucker! She cupped my head and pressed her body to mine. I pulled her onto my lap and ran my hands up her soft hair.

She moaned in the back of her throat and pulled away. I gave her a quizzical look. "That felt so good," she whispered and pushed me roughly on the bed.

I watched her as she expertly pulled off her top, and proceeded  to unbutton my shirt. She lightly scratched my chest every time she did, sending shivers down my spine. I sometimes still couldn't believe I had a best friend this sexy; sometimes I wanted to protect her from all those assholes that hurt her. But she was too damn stubborn to take any of my advice. Now I had to watch her dating piles of crap and getting hurt in the process. Surely, someday they'll hurt her, bad, and I will be there to pick up the pieces. At least her first time was with someone that respected her and meant her no harm. Now I was glad she wanted to have her first time with me, and not only for the obvious reasons, also for all the right ones.

Because right now we were going to do it  for the first time.

Sasha and I.

My best friend and I.

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