Chapter 3

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*daniels pov*
School was finally over and i had stay after for detention .... I was use to staying after for detention but this time it was different...  everytime I went to detention it was a room full of people who loved me or wanted be my friend... but now it was just me and Joey the kid that hates my guts right now. 
My stomach tied into a knot as I got closer to the room
I turned the door knob and entered the room.
Joey was in his seat reading a book... the minute I walked in he gave me the dirtiest look.
"Daniel I'm glad your here now you can get started on writing a essay" mrs.vanacker smiled.
She handed me a piece of paper and told me sit to seat next to Joey.
She also handed Joey paper...
"I want you write a essay about respecting others and why it's important also what you did wrong today in lunch room and what can you learn from your mistakes" she grinned.
Mrs.vanacker loved seeing us tortured.
"Now I have go and so I'm going leave you here alone write... and I swear if you do anything bad you will regret it" mrs vanacker threaten.
She walked out the door and it was just me and Joey.... GREAT !
there was awkward silence... all you could hear was joeys pen on the paper.
He was writing his essay ... ugh what a dork.
I took out a bag of chips and started eating them.
Joey was eyeballing my chips he must been hungry since Brady threw out his lunch.
"want one" I offered.
"No" Joey sounded annoyed.
He put his eyes back on the paper.
"You know you want one"
I started waving the chip  around like I crazy person... yeah I was pretty awkward and how I'm still popular is being smart.
"Fine" Joey giggled and grabbed chip out of my hand.
"Here have to whole bag" I threw it on his desk.
"Thanks" he smiled.
His teeth Were so white ! Like damm they are brighter then my future !
Joey made a loud crunch with his chip... I had some weird crunch fetish.
"Ugh love that crunch"
"What" Joey laughed.
"I have some crunch fetish thing" I chuckle
"Dude your weird"
Joey continued to write.
"You know you would not be so bad if you stopped hanging out with those jerks" Joey blurted out.
"Yeah... so you don't hate my guts" I grinned.
Yes ! I got the new kid to like me!
"No I just don't like you"
"Ok well good enough" I smile.
Joey was still writing that essay while have not even started.
"God dammit Joey you don't have write that dumb essay"
I take paper from him.
"Yeah we do" Joey protested.
"Want have some fun"
"Yeah" Joey hesitated.
"Let's go outside"
"Well what if we get in tr-"
"Who cares" I interpreted .
"So where are we going go" Joey asked.
"We are going outside to the roof we are throw some paper balls at students that stayed after" I grinned evilly.
"Wow your the devil" Joey laughed.
"Plus we have this" I took out my egg salad sandwich my mom made it was gross and disgusting and smelled TERRIBLE.
"Gross I can smell it from here" Joey pinched his nose.
"Dis I don't liek" I said.
"Ok I'm ready lets go" Joey said with excitement.
I never thought me and the new kid Joey would actually sort of become friends and throw paper balls and egg salad at students... I can't be liek I was doing this with him I always did this with Brady.
I checked outside and no one was there!
Me and Joey ran to the stair case down the hall... we were like secret agents.
I checked to see if any one was coming the coast was clear...
we ran up the stairs to the secound floor.
"We just have get to that door but there is a teacher blocking it"I pointed to a black door it had a lot stairs in it but that stupid teacher was blocking it.
"Hm hold on I got this" Joey said.
He rolled a paper ball and hit the teacher with it. The only person in hall was a freshman holding a note book.
I tried hold in my laughter...
The teacher thought it was the freshman.
The teacher and the freshman disappeared he was probably getting in trouble.
"That was awesome" I high five Joey.
We ran to the door as quickly as we could.
I opened the black door and their was a flight of stairs that lead to the roof.
"I'll race you to the top" Joey pushed me out way and started running.
"Hey you cheater"
Me and Joey ran up to the top.
"I beat you" Joey was jumping around.
It was actually pretty cute I will admit it.
Me and Joey started throwing paper balls at kids walking by and writing messages on them.
"I'm going write that crunch" I laughed.
"Your sick in the head" Joey giggled.
We threw paper balls down and kids read the messages.
Then I saw meanest kid Allen... he was older then me.
He use bully me...
"Ok I'm going throw my eggsald on that kid"I said.
"Oh god ..."
I took out egg salad and threw it down... It splattered all over Allen's head.
Me and Joey fell down laughing...
"This was so much fun"
Me and Joey sat against the wall.
"Yeah it was" I smiled.
Joey hand brushed against mine slightly...
We stared at eachother for couple minutes I got lost in his beautiful eyes...
Daniel snap out of it!
"Oh shit we should probably get back mrs.vanaker must be back by now"
"Yeah! Umm Daniel can we do this again" Joey whispered.
"Yeah meet me after school by door to get up to roof"
I opened the door.
"Race you to bottom" I grinned and pushed Joey out of way like he did to me.
"HEY!" Joey laughed.
Me and Joey ran down stairs and I beat him to bottom.
We checked if coast is clear and there was no teachers so we ran back to class room.
I really hoped mrs.vanaker was not there or me and Joey are dead meat.
I opened class room door to see no one all seats were empty and no teacher thank god !
Me and Joey quickly sat back down...
Wow mrs.vanaker is not smartest teacher leave us alone.
5 minutes later mrs.vanaker came in....
"Detention is over.... you boys can go home... I hope you learned from your mistakes"
Yeah sure we did we totally learned from our "mistakes"
A/N - TBH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT CAME INTO MY HEAD WHEN I WROTE THIS :D but sorry it's so long Lol ! Anyways thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed ! Tell me what you think :)

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