"Ready? My baby sis, all grown up." He smiles, kissing my cheek. He rose his arm for me to take and I took it, I was so nervous and each step we took to the doors my heart beat increased its pace. "If your seventeen-year-old self could see this, she'd be so happy for you." I smiled and nodded looking at him, he was my everything, it was me and him since were fifteen when our parents died, so we bonded well.

"I'm nervous Morgan." I told him, he just grabbed my hand and squeeze it. I have never been more nervous in my life, than I am now.

"Don't be, I'm right here. I'm always going to be right here." Once we reached the doors, we stopped. I took the biggest breath before they opened, and my bridesmaids walked along with the groomsmen. "I'm always going to be right here." Morgan added

"Here we go, I woke up his fiancée, tonight I'm going to be as his wife." I told Morgan as I faced him, giving him a hug before the music played and it was The Good Ones by Gabby Barrett. Morgan and I walked down the aisle. I looked up and saw Jesse standing there, he looked perfect, his hair was styled back, he stood there in his blue suit wiping his eyes, I looked at him in pure love, I loved him so much and everything was perfect. Jesse looked like a prince, and I felt like a princess, I was marrying my best friend, everything was just like I hoped for.

Morgan and I reached Jesse and Morgan kissed my cheek and Jesse reached out his hand for me to take and I took it and walked up to him, handing my flowers to Amelia.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jesse Hogan and Bailey Daniels." I just looked at Jesse, he smiled, and I returned it. It was like it was only us two in the world, everything else just disappeared. "Now I understand the couple have written their own vowels." Jesse and I nodded, and he let go of my hands and reached into his pocket.

"Bailey without you I'm half a man, and when I'm with you I'm more than myself. I love you more than any words, metaphor and action could ever express." Jesse paused, I rubbed his hand that held mine with my thumb, trying not to cry. "If it wasn't for your constant posting and expressing your love to me, I'd never realise that you're the one that I want to spend every single second of my life with." He added. "I may have been difficult when we first met, but we fought though some tough times and I'd never get through that if I hadn't had you by my side, I will always love you and I now vow in front of everyone, to make my life forever yours, and be the best and faithful loving husband and soon to be father with you, because if your by my side, I can achieve anything." I smiled wiping my eyes, to try and stop my crying, he could have said anything, and I would cry.

"Now Bailey." I nodded and Amelia handed me the vows that I had written down on a piece of paper and I opened it and read them out.

"Everyone knows that I loved you since I was seventeen, everyone knew that I'd never marry you or have a child with you." He chuckled and that earnt a chuckle from everyone. "Who knew that I'd be standing here today marrying you." I smiled pausing before continuing. "Every day since then you've been the one that I lean on, I made through my youth into the woman I am today because I had you, you may have not known me existing, but you were my already the one who held my heart, you held more than I'd ever give anyone else." I paused again looking at the love of my life who stood in front of me.

"When I fell, you weren't there to catch me, but that's okay because I fell harder for you when you caught me, now every time I fall you're always there to catch me." I paused again. "I knew that I'd never have to go looking for my other half when I knew that you were my other half." I paused again, flipping the page over. "Jesse I am yours and I'll be yours forever and a day, I'm yours to hold in your arms, I'm yours to spend every single second of the day with." I paused I was nearly finished. "I was told to chase my dreams, and you were my dream, and now I'm living the dream, now you can take my heart, love me forever, and I will never leave your side." I paused and looked at him, through my veil. "I vow from this day to love you in sickness and in health, in good and the in the bad, this is easiest promise I could make, because I vowed to love you forever since the day I met you." 

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