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I wasn't concentrating on training today, every five seconds I'd be looking for Bailey. "Wow, you're just like Nathan was for Amelia." David joked, which got a laugh from the surrounding people. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

As I walked away from them I heard Nathan "Are you ever gonna let that go?" Nathan then laughed and soon followed me to start our time trials.


@bdaniels: I'm so excited for today @jessebhogan

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@bdaniels: I'm so excited for today @jessebhogan

Once I got there the stadium was filling up with supporters. My heart increased so fast with each step I took. I wanted Amelia to come with me, but she had to work, forcing me to come alone, but I was also excited about meeting Jesse. "Oh my gosh." My hand was over my chest.

-time skip-

It's has been a few minutes and Jesse was two people away from me. I was so nervous. I didn't know what to do.

He was now in front of me, and what if he didn't even notice. "Jesse?" He looked up seeing me there, I looked down at him, he was so handsome, and I was this close to him. "Jesse." I spoke again softly, I placed my hand on his face, just to make sure that he was real.

I was smiling at him, and he smiled back, climbing up locking eyes with me. "You're here right, this isn't a dream?" I asked as he placed his hands over my mine. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe that I'm talking to you face to face." Jesse cut me with by pressing his lips against mine.

Jesse pulled away after a few seconds. "You are even more beautiful in person." He smirked and I smiled, he handed me a piece of paper and leaned in to kiss me again.

"I want you to come to Melbourne with me," Jesse asked, my mouth hung open, what? Did he want to go on a date with me? "Bailey, text me your number." He gave me another kiss and jumped down walking away from me.

"Okay." I smiled, turning around to head up the stairs. I heard my phone call when I reached the top.

The phone call between Amelia & Bailey

Amelia- How did it go?


I was about to continue what I was saying when Danielle was staring at me from a distance.

Bailey- Hey I've got to go I'll call you later. I said to Amelia, who told me to tell her everything.

I hung up and waved goodbye to Jesse he waved back, I rushed up the steps. I reached the top when I heard my name being called. "I want to talk to you." I turned to see Danielle. "STOP TALKING TO MY BOYFRIEND!!" she shouted.

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