Chapter 4

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Snows POV
"What did you guys see?" I ask and they all stay quiet "now" Robin says forcefully "you can get answers from them not me it takes way to much to make me trust you and tell you things"Fernanda says and walks away "Fernanda wait" Rhydian says  and runs to catch her I see them talking and then a tear slips down Fernanda's eye and Rhydian hugs her and she cries into his shoulder and they disappear in a cloud of blue color "well there goes our leaders" Neal says in a whisper "ok well what I saw was moms dead form and her telling me I couldn't do anything that I was a disgrace and dad agreeing saying I was a mistake" Liam says "I saw my parents and red all dead with blood on them saying that we would never change our future and we would fail" Isabella tells us "I saw my parents and Emma telling me how bad I was at everything I do on my time" Neal says "Fernanda gets it the worst" Liam tells us "what do you mean?" I ask "since she is a wolfblood, pirate, future savior and has seer senses most of the things she sees become true or were true" Neal tells us and sights "not even her parents can break down her wall that she built when she was very little to not get hurt" Isabella tells us "don't let her build a wall when she grows up with you guys you have to promise us" the twins state "we promise" Emma and killian reply "good well do you want to go back to the loft or stay here?" Neal asks "here" we all answer "alright well Henry want to practice sword fighting?" Neal asks "yes please and can you teach me to use my hearing sense too?" Henry says "no problem laddie" Liam says and chuckles "what did you say?" Henry questions " laddie" Liam states and we all must have shown an confused expression except killian "you get it dad remember we are pirates but also prince and princesses" Isabella says and killian chuckles "aye lads I get it" killian a says "took you some time mate" Liam says and they laugh "how long have you guys talked like that?" Emma asks "for as long as we have been alive Fernanda talks more like dad and has an stronger accent too" Isabella answers Emma then they all get swords and make swords appear at our waist too"pick a partner and let's go" Neal says and I pick David, Emma and killian, Regina and Robin, Liam and Isabella, and finally Neal and Henry "please nobody loose a hand" Liam states and we all laugh and we start fighting. Minutes later killian has Emma pinned down, Henry is on the floor, Regina is against a tree and I'm with David's sword at my throat while the twins are still fighting "come on lassie go hard on me" Liam says and Isabella cuts his arm and laughs "focus" she tells him and they keep on fighting then Fernanda appears out of nowhere with Rhydian and they look at each other and make swords appear for themselves and get close to the twins, the twins both stop and turn around pointing their swords at them "well well well laddies care to spare" Fernanda says in a tick accent "you are on captain" the twins both say in zinc and charge at only Fernanda "give me your sword mate" Fernanda says and Rhydian gives his sword to her and moves away Fernanda dodges all the swings and cuts each twin twice in the arm "you guys are distracted" Fernanda says and sweeps her leg under Liam and he falls loosing grip on his sword making it fly far away from him Fernanda puts one of her swords between his clothes and the dirt making him stay in place she turns to Isabella and smirks and Isabella smirks back they charge at each other and continue fighting but at the end Isabella has Fernanda's sword pointed at her throat "truce" both twins call out "practice lads I haven't seen you fight like this since you guys were little" she tells them and they sight "whatever care to help me up" Liam says and Fernanda makes the swords disappear "wow who taught you to fight like that?" Killian asks "the crew and you of course" she replies and smile then snaps her fingers "right" she says loudly and we are all teleported to the docks "I know that right now you don't have your ship"" Fernanda says and takes out a miniature ship model of the Jolly Roger and places it on the water "this was a gift from you guys before I was sent through the portal" she tells Emma and killian and then the Jolly Roger appears in front "follow me" Fernanda says and goes to the deck and we all follow Liam, Isabella and Fernanda change clothes to all leather looking like pirates except Fernanda has a hat "welcome to my ship" she says and raises an eye brow to killian "how is it possible?" He asks "magic of course you'll find it in a couple of months from now" she tells him and then white light glows from one of the cabins " stay here" she says and takes out her sword and everyone else follows her example she goes below deck and then we hear the sword fall to the floor "captain" the twins say and then we hear boots on the floor but not only her steps but someone else's too "stand down" she says and comes up above "there is someone here please don't freak out" she says and a person on a white cloak and hood comes behind her "hello" the person says In a sweet tone then all their swords come clashing down to the decks floor and tears form on their eyes "how are you alive?" Neal asks "killian put me here when I was dying to save me when she decided to open it" the woman says and brings her hood down it reveals to be Emma "mommy!!!!" The twins scream and run to her she kneels down and hugs them "I'm here don't worry I won't leave until this is finish" she tells them and looks at us "nice to see you guys again well the younger you" she tells me and David and we nod then She makes her way to Neal and hugs him "how are you kid?" She asks "holding on our parents are dead Emmie" he says "I'm here and I won't leave you I know the feeling" older Emma says and looks at us and her eyes water "Henry?" She asks "yeah" Henry answers and Emma takes a shaky breath "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you before" she says and turns around"what happened?" Fernanda asks leaning on the mast "after we sent you through facilier decided that it was a good idea to shove a sword through me and then use magic" she says and Fernanda motions for her to keep on going "well Regina healed me and I was weak I wouldn't have survived another day so they put me in the cabin of the ship and made it appear on your backpack" she tells Fernanda and she nods in understanding and walks away " get ready to set sail" Fernanda says and the twins move to the sails and let them go and older Emma unties every corresponding rope to the sails mast and the anchor too "ready captain" she calls out and Fernanda smiles and undocks we all sit beside or lean on the mast "mom lets go to the crows nest" Fernanda says and older Emma gets two ropes and hands one to Fernanda they wrap it on their hands and Fernanda cuts the ropes beside them and they literally fly up "wow" our Emma says "yeah I guess you are a pirate" I tell her and she nods laughing "mom come have a duel with me" Liam says and older Emma comes down from the crows nest "sure lad" she says and changes her clothes to leather like a pirate and has a sword with rubies on the hilt strapped to her she takes it out and Liam snaps his fingers and a sword appears strapped to his waist too "not bad, how's your magic and wolf self" older Emma says "good my magic is getting stronger and as for my wolf self is good" Liam answers and charges at older Emma she dodges all the swings and blocks all the attacks then they start to fight all around the deck "she's good" Henry says "yeah" I reply then older Emma knocks the sword out of Liam's grip and catches it and points one to his back and the other to his throat "truce" he calls out and Emma hands him his sword "you are distracted and not at the same level as before" older Emma says "I know it's been hard times we didn't get much practice instead of running and hiding out from the shadows" Liam answers "hey laddies go get some food could you?" Fernanda calls out and jumps down from the top of the mast "yes captain" the  twins answer and go below deck "seriously how are you Fernanda?" Older Emma asks "not good my time is running short already I'm not as strong as I used to be and I had a vision, mom it showed me Henry alive but the twins and I dead and also the doctor it was in front of granny's all of them were there frozen even Rhydian and Neal but what happened was that we really died and everyone from the future went back but we didn't we were dead forever" Fernanda tells her and she brings her into her embrace "I won't let that happen" older Emma says "how because right now the only way to know if is we fight and die in the process" Fernanda answers agitated "let's go to your cabin and talk there" older Emma says and they go below deck.
Fernanda's POV
We get to my cabin "mom I'm scared" I tell her "me too kid but we have to keep on going " mom tells me "I know I just wish it wouldn't have happened that we could still be a family even though I kept my distance with you guys" I tell her "kid I have something for you" mom says and hands me a rock"what is it?" I ask "is a way to communicate with people that are dead you can use it alone or with your siblings" mom says and I nod "let's go back up and use it I want to see dad and everyone else" I tell mom and we go above deck I see the twins there talking to Neal and Rhydian "guys come over here" I call out and they come "what is it?" They ask "mom gave me this rock that allows us to talk to the dead want to see our families?" I ask and they all nod eagerly I put the rock on the floor and I think of everyone and I see my dad, red, granny, my grandparents, Regina, Robin, pretty much everyone "dad!" I scream and he looks at me "Fernanda lass how are you?" He asks "good, dad I miss you, I miss all of you" I say and they all reply that they miss us too "did you find your mother?" Dad asks and mom steps forward "hi killian" she says with tears on her eyes "hello love" he replies and a tear slips down my eye and then thunder sounds "mom" I say and look at her "I know" she answers and I look at my family one last time before they disappear I run to the wheel and turn the ship around "everyone hold on to something!" I call out loudly and the twins pass ropes around for everyone to tie themselves "captain watch out" I hear Liam says and I look to my left seeing a huge wave coming towards us "hold on!" I say and brace myself for impact it felt like million of ice blocks hitting you I shake my wet hair and look at everyone "Liam, Isabella, mom get everyone below deck" I say and they all do so "aye captain" they answers and bring everyone below, I stay out watching the storm worsen "stay down there and don't come out" I say loudly knowing they would all hear it then a wave crashes down on top of me and throws me to the floor I stand up again and set course for the docks I see the docks and sunshine and I fall unconscious.
Future Emma's POV
I don't hear the rain anymore "stay here and don't come out" I tell everyone I must say is weird seeing my younger self. I go above deck and see Fernanda unconscious on the deck "Fernanda!!!" I scream and rush toward her I kneel down beside her and turn her around so I can see her face I put my ear to her chest hearing her heartbeat and lungs I sight in relieve "Liam, Isabella, Neal and Rhydian come on up" I say loudly and they come "Ferni!" The twins scream and rush towards us "wake up" they say and everyone comes above deck I see the younger version of my parents with tears in their eyes as well as younger killian and myself "Fernanda wake up" Neal and Rhydian say and then turn to wolf selves they howl and bark and Fernanda then coughs getting the water off of her lungs "that's it kid get it all out" I tell her and she breathes heavily "sorry for scaring you guys mom" she says and closes her eyes "get her to her cabin Rhydian " I say and Rhydian carries her "will she be alright mom?" The twins ask and I nod then I hear a scream knowing is Fernanda's and Rhydians I push by everyone and make my way to her cabin I see both of them bend down on their knees grabbing their heads "get out of our heads" they scream and everyone looks shocked and worried I go towards them and kneel in front of Rhydian first "Rhydian lad listen to me is not real we are here alive and we would be when we finish this come on focus on my voice and tune everything out" I say and shake him then he stops screaming and looks at me "get Fernanda quick or she will pass out" he says and I kneel in front of Fernanda "fer listen to my voice focus on me tune everything out and listen to me we are fine" I say and she looks up at me then holds her head again I grab her hand and I see what she is seeing "stop" I hear Liam say "who is going to make me?" Facilier asks "me" Isabella says and I see Fernanda coming behind facilier "you are going to fail" facilier says and takes out a wand and sends shadows towards the twins they scream and light shines out of them then they fall unconscious "is time to stop with games" Fernanda says and stabs facilier with a sword right through the heart but before facilier does a spell on Fernanda and they both fall dead. That was all I saw and snapped out "I'm sorry mom" Fernanda says and cries I hug her tight "that won't happen trust me " I tell her "how can I mom you saw what I saw I don't know if is a vision or a warning but whatever it is is not good" Fernanda says and keeps on crying, I look up to see everyone worried and confused 'I'll explain later' I mouth and they nod "come here little pirate let's get you to camp" I say and we are all envelop in purple smoke "your magic is stronger than mines it appears" I say and she nods "next savior remember" she says and goes to her tent "I'll check on her" Rhydian offers and I motion my head for him to go "what happened back there ?" My younger self asks "well Emma wow that's weird" I say and she nods laughing "anyways I saw what she saw it was the twins unconscious she killed facilier but facilier killed her in the process too" I say and they gasp "yep" I say and look at Fernanda's tent seeing her sitting down hugging Rhydian I smile at the sight of them I knew they had something for each other "how long?" Younger killian asks "a couple of years now" I say referring to the kids "well you guys should be safe if you guys decide to stay here if not we would have to put up spells on your houses it depends on you" I say and i fell my eyes change color yes I can tell that they change color when I'm threatened or anything bad is coming "mom!!!" I hear Isabella scream I turn to see her and I see shadows coming "everyone get behind me " I say and Fernanda, Rhydian, Neal, and the twins come and we all put our hands up and light shines out of us we then start moving around the younger selves and we make a circle around them still shining light I see the shadows only going towards Fernanda one of them makes it and stands beside Fernanda she shakes her head and tries to keep it away but she can't then I see tears streaming down her face "is not real!" I yell loudly to her way and she nods and keeps her powers up until all the shadows disappear Fernanda looks at me and nods and turns to wolf form and runs away from camp "should I get her" Neal says and I shake my head "let her cool down" I say "you should go get her" my younger self says "not really Emma I know her more than you and she is like us she keeps her emotions inside and tries to not show weakness to others"I answer her and she nods sadly "I realized that" younger me answers and walks away "well is late Rhydian and I will take first shift you guys go to sleep" Neal says and I conjured tents for them and they all choose one and go to sleep "tell me when is my turn" I tell the kids and go to sleep too.

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