Chapter 2: The "I am never on time" teacher.

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Chapter 2: The "I am never on time" teacher.

Before, I talked about the teacher that looks, acts and is too young to be teaching. But now it's time for the teacher that is never on time. Ever.

Every school has a teacher that just can't seem to grasp the concept of turning up to class on time.

Here's the situation:

-School bell rings.
-Students make no obvious attempt at moving.
-Few minutes later, students can be seen moving their lazy butts to class.
-Second bell rings.
-The teacher hasn't arrived. The students stand around and wait for their teacher to arrive.
-Five minutes later, teacher still hasn't arrived.
-Ten minutes later, the teacher arrives and offers no reason as to why they just wasted class time.
-Students then go into the classroom and another ten minutes is wasted on everybody, including the teacher, getting settled.

That's about 20 minutes of learning time wasted because the teacher wanted to finish having their conversation.

But, the moment a student is late, they get told off and told not to do it again. As long as it's the "adult" being late then it's okay. 

I had one of these teachers during my fourth year at high school. Now, I understand that the class we had was on the other side of the school to his usual classroom, but we were at a small school. It took no more than one minute to walk from his office to the classroom. But this didn't stop him from being at least ten minutes late to class. Everyday. 

At one point myself and a friend decided to start doing laps around the school from when the first bell rang, and when he turned up to class. The result was three entire laps. When asked about why he was consistently late, we got answers like, "I had to pack up from last class" and told that it wasn't something we could complain about. 

This is the teacher that wastes valuable class time just because they couldn't be bothered being on time. And being on time really isn't that hard. And this is coming from somebody, who when they were at high school, ditched at least one class a day and showed up to classes I didn't like half an hour late just because I felt like it. That was alright for me, I was a student, a teenager with an attitude. This is a teacher that needed to be there before the students so that he could set the standards for what is expected. If a teacher is going to show up ten minutes late then the students are going to show up twenty minutes late. It's just how it goes. That's what happened to this teacher. He was ten minutes late and all the students just showed up whenever they felt like it, because he did too. 

The "I am never on time" teacher needs to set a standard. They need to show with their own actions what is expected of their students. Turning up late and wasting class, then expecting your students to be on time, is not an acceptable standard to be setting. 


Next chapter: The "I am too old to be teaching" teacher. 

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