"I have combat with Aulisor now with Professor Goodwitch," I answered.

"I have weapons engineering," Luna stated. She didn't seem all too thrilled about it. "What about you Trev?"

"Professor Port," he said with a sigh. We both remember the stories mom used to tell us. He would go on and on with stories about when he was younger. It basically put the class to sleep. We all felt sorry for him. Then we parted ways. I wonder if Goodwitch was going to pair up students to see what we're capable of. I would love that. I need something to give me a bit of an energy boost.

Just as we went our separate ways, we decided to quickly stop by the dorm to grab our hunter/huntress attire, just to be safe. I put my clothes into my bag along with the rest of my books for the following classes. Aulisor did the same. Then we made our way to class.

"So, what do you think Goodwitch has in store for us," my friend asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe she's going to do an evaluation of the students by pairing them up for a small match," I answered. That seemed to spark his interest greatly.

"Now that's what I call a class," he said with a smile full of excitement. I did too. I love the classes that gave you the opportunity to show what you're made of rather than sitting around, taking notes, and taking tests. We walked into the classroom, well more of an arena in a manner of speaking. Goodwitch looked up as she watched us come in.

"Miss Belladonna," she questioned. She seemed to be mixing me up with my mom already. No one seemed to notice the resemblance. I shook my head.

"I'm her daughter, Dusty. She and Yang are my parents," I explained. That's when Aulisor noticed the resemblance between my mother and I. I'm surprised he didn't notice it last night when he looked at the photo.

"Ah, I see. I remember hearing about those two marrying a while back. How are they," she asked politely. I recall that both of my moms were two of her best students.

"Okay, I guess. It's just Blake raising my brothers and I. My moms fought a man which led to the death of my mother, Yang. I was only seven," I stated in a solemn tone. The light in Goodwitch's eyes seemed to fade slightly upon hearing the news. She gave me her condolences for my loss.

"Why don't you and Mr. Sho gear up. I want to see what you both can do," she said as a smile came back to her frail face. She used to always scowl or keep a very straight face then entire time Team RWBY was here. Maybe things have changed over the years. We both nodded and went to get change. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to see what Aulisor had up his sleeve.

We arrived in the locker room. I headed for my locker and he headed for his. Thankfully his was on the other side of the same wall my locker was on. I quickly got out of my uniform and pulled my huntress attire over my body. I place my bag in my locker while grabbing Forbidden Darkness. I started walking towards the main room when he stopped me. "Is something the matter Aulisor," I asked. He had his hand lightly wrapped around my arm.

"Uh, no. I just wanted to say that I'm not going to go easy on you Dust and that you look kinda cute in your outfit," he said with a faint blush coming to his cheeks. I blushed in return. First my brothers say that I look like mom in this and now my teammate say that I look cute in it.

"Don't worry. You're going to get a fair fight," I said with a devious smile. He had no idea on what he was going up against. They didn't call me "The Flaming Shadow" for nothing back at Signal. Goodwitch had her clipboard in hand as we prepared ourselves for the fight. I had Forbidden Darkness still on my back in its locking holder. Aulisor was the same. His weapon seemed a bit bulky. I studied it carefully. He either has a combination of a gun with something else or he has one giant scythe.

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