Nickie Mendoza

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Date of Birth:  August 5, 19**
Date of Death: October 16, 20**

         You cheated on me. You were my first and I wanted you to be my forever, but you betrayed me. I gave you my all. I did everything for you. I even gave up that one great opportunity to work overseas just not to get far away from you, but you threw it all and go with him. I asked you a couple of times why, and you always say that you love him more than me. Of course, I don't believe that. Why would you choose someone who's a lot older than you? Age doesn't matter? That is bulls***! I know you more than your mother who doesn't even give a sh** about you, and you know that. I had memorized every angle of you ever since that moment I had love you. I pleaded for you. I became someone I'm not. I tried to mingle with other girls, but it was you that I was always looking for.

         One drunken night, I came into your house and shouted your name over and over again. But you know what came after me.. the harsh truth. The fact that you marry a rotten sh**! Your annoying neighbor said that you left right after your wedding, together with your family. I was devastated as hell! I cried all night, bottle after bottle. I was pacing the room like crazy. I wasn't even able to sleep that night. If only I knew that this would happen I should have said, f*ck you to make it even. You loathe that word so much that you're always ready to slap someone in the face. But no. I love you so much that I  can't even go down into that.

        The morning after, I went out into the balcony of my apartment, stared into those tiny moving vehicle below me. Void of any emotion, I lifted my feet into the railings and I fall.

        I woke up. Everything around me is white. I was probably dead. But why is there a doctor around here. Wait, are they my parents? Annalise? Uncle Peter? They were all dead already? No. I figured that they're not dead. I was in a hospital. I survived after jumping from the eleventh floor of my building.


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