Talking to stranger: Chapter 1

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Has it ever crossed your mind that someday you're going to walk past the person you're going to spend your entire life with? I have.

March 26th 2008

It was a Tuesday, a wet tuesday. It was pouring rain.

"We'est in two years it's gone 'ey!" Mike George from BBC news would say. I couldn't understand what he says in the news, except the word 'G'morning'.

15 minutes ago Dad had said he had an 'urgent' meeting. So that meant mum had to bring me to school, which isn't good either. Mum wasn't a very good driver, nor a cook nor even a gardener. If only I had the right words to describe our garden. Hideous. It had basically been explained in a book. Rupunzel. Yes, the witches garden. At least we had decent vegetable which my dad had told us to grow like three months ago because he had read about those, 'Vegetables For The Family' by Stephanie Meyer, slash the worst author that has ever lived.

"Rue, you'll have to walk. Sandra, just called up and-" My mum said in her normal but squeky voice.

"Sandra?" I said carrying my bag to the front door.

"My new assistant. Sorry, princess you'll have to walk.."

I gave her an 'ok-whatever" look. She doesn't normally call me 'Princess' that's hat dad calls me..usually when he's trying to tell be something important nowadays.

"Yea, I guess so. I'll see you, bye" I kissed her goodbye, as I walked I heard an 'I love you!' from the distance. Mum. Yes, she'd annoy me but that's mum, the one that makes me pancakes with smiley faces on them.

Two minutes later Mum had called to make sure if I was alright.

"Rue, you ok? Where are you now?" Mum had sounded curious.

"Just beside the surf shop that we used to pass all the time." As I said the word, 'time' I had tripped over my shoelace. "Ow!' original shoelace accident

"RUE! Are you ok? What happened? Rue are you there?!" Mum shouted across the phone.

"Mum, relax I'm fine!"

"Ok, well don't talk to strangers and knowing like helping people you DON'T know."

I rolled my eyes and hanged up. I was about to pick myself up when someone offered their hand. I wasn't going to accept help from a stranger.

"Don't talking to strangers" I heard mum's voice when I accepted his hand.

I smiled at him when I stood up. I was going to say 'Thank You' but he just walked in the opposite direction. We go to the same school but why's he walking in the opposite direction? His brown hair was scruffy because of the strong wind.He was sloching like he had broken his back

"Hey! Excuse me I um-" he turned around and he looked at me with those blue eyes.

I walked closer to him. We were very close that one more step we'd be kissing.

Rue listen to yourself! You just met him!

"I um- thank you because you er helped me. I just wanted to er know if you um go to my school because we-" I stopped. He was still looking me in the eyes. It was freaky really but I liked it.

"- of your uniform? are you ok?" I finished. I felt like I was saying a speech because of how nervous I was.

After that long speech of mine he responded, "Hi" hi? just a 'hi?' I'd understand if he said 'Hello' which would be better because it's a four letter word. Where as 'Hi'?

"Yup..hi." He was still looking at me which I'm kind of freaked out about. I just wanted to get to school and I had to fall over and he had to show up, not that I'm not thankful that he helped me but I just really expected to have a normal day.

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