Ch.2 Your First Day

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Ch2| Your First Day

"Have you prepared everything you need?"-you and your mom are talking on the phone.
"Yeah mom. I've already told you, I'll be fine on my own."-you say.
"Even without bodyguards?"-she asks.
"Yes mom. Even without bodyguards."-you.
"Okay then. You sure sweetie?"-mom.
"Yeah mom. Big bro's here so no need to wor--"
Your sentence was cut off when you brother called you from downstairs.
"(Y/n)! Sis! Where did you put the sugar again?"- your brother.
"It's in the cupboard to the right!"-you yell back.
"The second one?"-Eric
"No! The third one to the right!"-you.
"Right or Left?"-Eric
"The right!"-you yell back.

"Huuuh. Mom, I'll call you again tomorrow."-you inform your mother who obviously is sobbing on the other end of the line.
"Are those tears of joy or sadness?"-you ask in a sly manner.
"Both!"-she yells on the other side.
"Sis! Help me out here!"-your brother.
"Kay! I'm coming! Sorry mom, big bro needs me downstairs. "-you.
"Okay! Good luck on your first day honey!"-your mom.
"Bye! Luv you!"-you say before turning off your phone.

"(F/n) (l/n)! Hurry up!!!"-your brother.
"Coming!!!" You turned off the phone and headed downstairs.

Still your POV| Downstairs

You walk downstairs and see tour brother ransacking the cupboards, drawers and the fridge.
"Have you checked the third cupboard to the right?"-you ask in an annoyed tone, because you were annoyed!
"Oh! So that's where it was!" He said while opening the cupboard.
"WHAT THE JUICE BRO??!!!You checked each and every cupboard and drawer except for THAT ONE?!"-okay, now your really annoyed.
"Okay, so I was gonna do that but you came in so I should be saying: 'What the Juice Sis? ! You came here just when I was about to open the third cupboard to the right!'"-your bro.
"Seriously? Fine, If you want it that way sure." Then you walk out.
"Hey Sis Sis Sis Sis! Wait a sec! Aren't you gonna help me cook?"
"Cook what Eric?"
"I don't have time for this." Then you start walking upstairs.
"Wait! Help me make some pudding!"
"Preparing stuff for tomorrow us much more important than making your stupid pudding."
"Ehhhh?! When did you turn. So cold my beautiful sister?!"

You stopped when your brother said those words.
"That hurt." You turn around and look at him.
You look at your brother and see him put too much sugar on the measuring cup.
"No no! That's too much!" You run to the rescue of the poop vanilla pudding he's gonna make.

~time skip~
Ch.2|Your POV

You and your brother just finished making pudding. And now your eating.
"L - listen. .. Big bro I'm sorry. For being stubborn..." you
"Nah! I'm used to it. Your always like that."-him
Okay, now your really mad!
"Now listen here brother! I just said that cuz you forces me to so ZIP IT!"
Then you start to walk upstairs leaving your brother to eat his pudding alone.

Your POV|at school
~at school that morning~
"GRRRRR" was all you kept on saying all morning. Your still very mad at your brother.
You got off the motorcycle your brother was driving and you didn't even spare him a look.
"Goodbye." You say walking up to the school building.
You guys use motorcycle because the places that you want to go to are just around the corner(that's a figure of speech).

~at the school building~
You walk to the locker rooms and look for number 304.
Just when you were about to open your locker when a bunch of students ran into you.
"Oh my gosh!!! (F/n)(l/n)!!!"
"We love you!!!"
"Oh (F/n)(l/n)!!! I'm your biggest Fan!"
"I love your songs (f/n)(l/n)!!!"
'Great! Just Great! I just got here and now, the crowd starts to squish me?! For the love of cheese!' That was what you thought.(the reason why I put (f/n)(l/n) is because most people call superstars by their full names. Ex. Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato.)

Randy Cunningham x Reader: The Blue NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now