When We Moved

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Elena's POV
I was 7 when we stepped foot in our new home. My younger sister Sabrina was hopping up and down. "Momma can Elena and I go to the park", she asked. My mother was amazing but she always has to work and she's almost never home. Ever since daddy left, she's been hurting. I promised my mommy that I will help with Sabrina. "Yeah you girls go ahead, be careful ok. It's right behind our house ok", she said helping Sabrina put her shoes back on. Mommy sat back down at the tablet and shuffled through some mail and sighed. "Poor Mommy", I whispered to myself. My sister grabbed my hand and we ran to the back gate of our home and stepped foot on the green grass. "Ok Sabrina, go have fun", I said. She didn't even wait for me to finish before dashing off to the slide. I shook my head and sat down on the grass. I decided to take in the view and I noticed there was a boy. He looked lonely and sad. I got up from my spot and quietly walked over to him. "Hi I'm Elena. Nice to meet you", I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He was very shy but he shook it. "Hi", he muttered. I took a seat in front of him and all he did was look at the grass. "This is the part where you tell me your name", I said. He straightened up and rolled his eyes. "Can't you tell that I want to be alone", he barked. I just smiled and ignored his attitude. "Look, you look like you need a friend and I want to be your friend. No one truly likes to be alone", I said. He finally made eye contact with me and I saw this look in his eyes. Like a shadow. "I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be friends with anyone", he said getting up and walking away. How rude, I was only trying to be friendly. This boy had issues. I shrugged my shoulders and kicked back for a while, because knowing my sister, she's going to want to stay for a long time.

The next day I got up early for school. Mommy dropped us off on her way to work and I helped Sabrina find her class. I stepped foot into mine and all the kids started whispering. "Elena Scott welcome to class. Please take a seat next to...hmmm. Michael", my new teacher said pointing me in the direction of that boy I met yesterday. I nodded and I walked over to him and sat down. "Gross it's you. What are you following me now", he spat. I smiled and didn't let his mean words get to me. "Actually I just moved here and my mommy made me go here. I didn't follow you", I said back. The teacher passed out some work for us and I already knew everything. I finished the classwork in under a minute. I got up to give it to her. "Elena you can't be done already. Go check your work", she said. I shook my head and placed it on her desk. "I did, twice", I said. "Ok, I'll start grading it then", she said. I sat down and sat in silence. Michael was sketching something in his notebook and ignoring me. "Ms. Scott, you got them all right", she said marvelled. Everyone in the class gave me looks. Mommy always told me not to let the negative in life get to me. Eventually the bell rang and I started walking home with my sister. Mommy is going to work all night and it's my job to watch Sabrina. Some kids followed us and I just thought maybe they lived in the neighborhood. "Where are you going little nerd", a girl from my class spat. I just ignored her and grabbed my sister's hand and walked faster. "Aw look she's probably sad. Ugly nerd", a boy barked receiving laughs from all his friends. "Sabrina here's the key. Go inside, I'll be there soon", I said. She nodded and skipped to the house. I quietly turned around. "Trust me. Your bullying is the least of my problems. I could care less. All you want is a reaction from me and you're not going to get it. So do yourselves a favor and please go home", I said gently. The boy gave me a look, "You think you're so smart. You're pathetic and ugly. No one is going to be your friend", the girl spat crossing. I just put on a smile. "I don't mind. Just because I don't have friends, doesn't mean I won't be happy. I'm perfectly fine being alone", I said. The boy rolled his eyes and they all walked away.

Every since that day I've been bullied. Years eventually passed.  I honestly don't let it get to me. Sabrina was inside watching spongebob I think. I just wanted to swing on our swing set and enjoy the breeze. My peace was disturbed when I heard screams and yelling next door. Michael slammed his back door shut and threw himself on the grass. I wonder what happened, I should ask if he's ok. I quietly got up and walked to my fence. "Michael, are you okay", I asked nicely. He glanced over and glared. "Leave me alone and quit stalking me you freak", he spat. For some reason when he said mean things to me, it actually hurt me. "I'm not stalking you. I live here and I was swinging. And fine I'll stop bothering you and trying to be your friend", I said calmly. I backed away from the fence and ignored him and went inside. I took a seat with my sister and went about my day. The year has been great and Halloween comes up this month. Sabrina and I waited all day for mom to come home and we were already in bed when she did. Fall break is tomorrow and I can't wait. I will have time to catch up on my favorite tv shows.
As I tried sleeping. I thought back over the years of my failed attempts to make friends. Mostly just Michael, his rudeness and fitting in. I sometimes cry myself to sleep because of how horrible I always feel. My fall break will be the best, and I'll make sure of it. Fast forward a couple years and I still try being nice to him. 13 wasn't the age I was prepared for.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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