After the devil Ms. Patty told us about our assignment and let us work, I stared down at my homework more than confused. I glanced around the room and saw practically everyone scribbling the answers down while whispering with their friends.

"Blake?" I hissed turning in my seat. "I need help." Sighing dramatically he turned to me but had a faint smile on his face.

"What do you need?"

"I don't get how to do this." I whined. I was terrible at math and he knew it. It was definitely my most hated subject, along with Ms. Patty. But put me in an Home Ec class, History or English class and I soared.

"Okay here let me explain it to you." Blake scooted his desk right next to mine and grabbed my calculus book closer towards him. "You have to..." I tried really hard to pay attention to what he was saying but with his body so close to mine and his cologne tickling my nose, my mind kept straying from Math.

Yes I have a crush on my best friend, but that is all that it is...a crush. I realized a year ago that I felt something different for Blake than I did Liam. The day I felt something more than friendship for Blake was when we were having a water fight. As usual it was Liam and Blake against me but I had the hose so I was winning technically. I had been so focused on Liam that I didn't notice Blake coming behind me until his arms wrapped around my waist lifting me in the air. My grip on the hose loosened and turned spraying both of us. Blake lost his footing and we both fell to the ground Blake's body taking the brute of the fall.

I turned my body so I was facing him and that was when everything around me stopped. Liam faded in the background making it only me and Blake. His blue eyes were shining bright with amusement and excitement. His wet clothes were cold against me but the heat coming off of his body warmed me up. It wasn't until this moment I hadn't noticed how good looking Blake was. Yes he was only 17 but he looked older. Staring down at him I felt my heart start to flutter and my stomach clench.

"Get her!" Blake's voice had yelled suddenly jerking me out of my thoughts. Before I could even do anything I felt a splash of water hit my back and then I was enveloped in water. Being hit with water made me forget about earlier until that night.

After that day my feelings towards Blake changed and my crush began. Now a year later I still liked him even though I kept telling myself it could never happen. Now as I sat there with him close enough that our arms brushed one another my heart was beating a million miles an hour. Seeing as I hadn't heard a single word he had said up until now I forced myself to look away from him and focus on what he was saying.

By the end of class I did half the assignment and understood more than I did at the beginning. Blake was good at teaching me in a way I could understand instead of like Ms. Patty.

Thankfully the rest of the morning went by pretty quickly. Lunch had just finished and I only had one more class left, Home Ec my favorite. It wasn't your usual making food class we learned to sew, make outfits, etc. I was walking down the hallway wondering where Blake was since he wasn't at lunch with me and Liam. When I rounded the empty hallway I froze immediately feeling my stomach drop. Leaning against the row of lockers was Blake but he wasn't alone. He was leaning down kissing some girl.

My heart sunk and my eyes started tearing up. I stood there staring as he made out with some girl. From here I could tell she was pretty, probably a cheerleader too. Blake has never really said anything about dating and up until now I hadn't thought about him with anyone. It was that moment that I realized I didn't just like Blake, I loved him. Everyday hanging out with just made my feelings grow instead of fading. Watching as he kissed someone that wasn't me hurt a lot, more than I ever thought it would.

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