Chapter 3 - Her "Mis-happenings on a wedding day"

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: JordanLynde


The guests have assembled, the priest is ready, the prayer is said, the music is played, the groom waits but where is the bride?

I was only vaguely aware of the hushed excitements around me. The maids were scurrying about and all around I could see a flurry of activity. I could see the kitchen maids carrying in endless supply of vegetables fresh from our garden. I could see young Pierre, not much older than me, clutching at a huge bunch of my mama's favourite freshly picked tulip, its refreshing fragrance floating in the air, reminding me of mama, and the day it all fell to pieces.

No... Mama! Wake up! Mama! Somebody help! Please!

The memory was still fresh in me. She would have wanted to be here.

 I felt disconnected. Like somehow, I was watching a drama. Like this wasn't real. 

"Ariana... Come, my dear. You need to get ready." Old Bertha, my caretaker since... a long time, told me gently. Her eyes shining with unshed tears and brow cringed with stress. Was it because of me? or... for me? I wonder why she looks bent over with sadness.

She took me to my bedchamber. The maids all rushed to me and bowed.

"Rise" I said and they stood straight, eager to start their work.

"Get her ready" Bertha called out to them. They rounded in on me...


I felt tired. I was sure my eyes were darkened from the sleepless night.

I was clad in a majestic white gown bordered elegantly in gold. The gown clung to my shoulders. It hugged my waist and flowed down.

Why was this all happening so fast? I needed company. I was afraid I wouldn't hold myself.

"Where's Demily?" I wondered aloud as the final touches of my hair were done.

"Right here Ari."

I turned around and found her at the vestibule of my chamber.

"Oh Ari you look beautiful!" She said and I saw tears stagnate in her eyes as she tried to control them. First her... These aren't tears of joy, I realise. Why is everyone sad around me? Isn't this supposed to be a happy day? My wedding day...

I smiled at her. "It wouldn't be long before I see you like this Demily..." I said in an attempt at light conversation.

"That isn't what you should be saying... You're still the same. Even after so many years you don't speak your mind with me." she said shaking her head and the tears she held back spilled out.

It broke my heart that she should cry like this. The young lively girl reduced to this.

"Please leave us." I told the maids.

They scurried out in a few moments. I rushed to Demily and hugged her.

"There there... you shouldn't be crying like this. What is it that troubles you? Tell me." I asked.

"Ari... Do you know what this-"

"Demily! Out of here!" Bertha shouted. I gasped in shock at her fury.

Demily ran out, sobbing.

"Bertha? What has gotten into you. That was my friend!" I said stunned by her sudden angst.  She looked at me again, with those sad grey eyes.

"It is time to leave my child." She said simply and left.

I sighed and followed her out. The carriage was ready, decorated with hundreds of lilies. The curtains were rich Indian silk worthy of a princess's wedding standards.  


The journey was slow. I was sitting in the carriage with Bertha, Demily and two other maids. There  was a sombre atmosphere inside. What muddle have I gotten into?

"Araina my child, you will be married in the fall." Father said.

"Married? Father, What are you saying so suddenly?" I had asked panicked.

"I believe it is time you marry the man I have chosen for you. You will do that for me right? Don't you love me?" He had asked.

"Of course I do father. But... marriage? Shouldn't it be my choice?" I asked.

"Choice... You are so like your mother. Don't you trust me? I do the best for you... always..." He said and left.

The carriage came to a sudden halt and unsettled the lot of us. There were shouts and voices all around. Then came the attack. The stones hit the carriage walls with force and fear settled in.

"Bertha! What is going on?" I cried and turned to her.

But, Bertha and Demily were busy. Demily handed me a simple rucksack, tears staining her eyes. I looked at her bewildered. Bertha came to me and held my hands. The raging attack outside was forgotten as her aged and saddened eyes looked at me. She spoke urgently-

"My child, listen to me carefully. You have to leave. Run... run as fast and far as you can. Leave this madness. There are some things you may need in this sack. But where ever you go is better than this. Go now... go..."

"Bertha? What is this? What are talking about? Let us escape, whatever riot there is outside, together. How can I-" I started but Bertha was quick to retort.

"This riot is not the worry here. You have to escape from this madness of a wedding!" She cried. I gasped.

"Running away? At the day of my wedding? Why, I would not do such a spiteful thing and disgrace my father!-"

"Do you even know who the groom is?" -Demily interrupted me.

"Well I believe my father would have chosen me an appropriate one." I replied.

Bertha looked wrecked.

"Ari... Your blind trust in your father is your bane." She said gravely.

"What do ye' mean?" I asked dreading.

"Your father... he wishes to marry you."

The shock of her words left me numb for a few moments. Father? No... he wouldn't. Surely not. Bertha must be mistaken.

"Bertha? Have you lost your mind? How dare you say such things about your own king? He was loyal only to mother!" I raged.

"My King! Your Father, has gone mad. He has lost his head since her death. Use your instincts Ari and say for yourself. He imprisoned you for god's sake!" Bertha screamed.

No... No... It's not true.

"Rubbish.. I don't believe this." I whispered.

At that moment the carriage door was hit with brute force and the impact shook the whole carriage.

There was cry outside and something was thrown on the carriage. Bertha and Demily's faces had gone pale. The other maids had already fled.

Suddenly it was hot... very hot. Demily ran to me and in a swift motion pushed me out of the other door. I flew out and fell hard on a grassy surface. The rucksack followed behind.

I turned towards the carriage in time to see it burst to flames and hear their screams of agony.

I didn't think. I just acted out of pure instinct and despair. I ran forward to the carriage and the heat terrified me.

"Bertha! Demily! No!" I screamed.

"Go!" I heard Bertha say. 

"No God no! You are not dying! I won't let you!"

I looked about me frantically for something, anything that might help.

"Hey the princess is here!" I heard someone shout.

I turned around and fear made my blood run cold. There were five to six men around me all bearing blazing torches. I realised with a purge of hatred it was them who had burned the carriage.

"You monsters! What do you want?" I screamed.

They only smiled viciously at me and advanced near me. Just then the carriage burst into an explosion and the force of it threw me out to the grass. 

The Princess and the Pauperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें