Court Ch.5

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I stepped out of the car looking up at the huge white court house. Ugh, I hope this is over quick. People just isn't my thing. I unbuckled Cherokee from the back sit and picked her up.

I had to admit the little ass kicker looked cute in her outfit I had let Merle pick her something out. He chose a little pink camou dress with a red ribbon hair band. That was easy part. My stupid ass thought the other part would be easy to but she didn't want to get dressed. I was surprised we weren't late. I sighed and walked in. A detective stopped at me at the door.

"Well mister Dixon didn't plan on seeing you today. Here to see your brother off?" He asked.

"No I came to see my brother win." I growled. He chuckled but when he noticed I was serious he grew quiet.

"Well who is this little one?" He asked looking down at Cherokee. Who started to throw a fit.

"Cherokee my daughter if you don't mind she doesn't like bacon." I growled pushing past him.

"Your brothers not going to get out of this one. Three charges of drug abuse, he's done for. Next were going to take her and throw you away for child endangerment. You Dixon boys are through." He chuckled. I had to use ever once of control I had to keep from punching him in the face. Cherokee on the other hand had no control. She had taken her pacifier and thrown it at him. She started to giggle.

"No pig your in trouble no matter what she's always going to be a Dixon." I chuckled walking inside. "Your one hell of a flower." I chuckled. We took our sit behind Merle. The trail started. Nearly an hour of fighting back and fourth has left nothing. But somehow Merle was losing. In the middle half of the second trail Cherokee started to cry.

"Sir can you quiet the child."the judge said nicely. I noticed all eyes were on us.

"Sorry I'm trying." I growled. No matter what I did she wouldn't stop. Her cheeks were turning rosey pink. Merle finally got up from his sit.

"Mister Dixon take your seat or we will restrain you." The judge warned.

"Please do I just want to calm my niece." He said walking pack and taking her from me. He chuckled because as soon as he had her. She went quiet. Well fuck keep her. He took his seat with Cherokee in his lab. The judge looked up hitting the stand.

"I think we have new evidence. Mister Dixon how long have you two had the little one?" She asked sitting back. She shhed the attorney and lawyer.

"Well a few days." Merle said Cherokee pulled herself up to standing on his lap.

"You know court I once met a girl, my best friend. She was addicted to everthing. She found out she was pregnant she dropped everything. I think he might be able to a kid is new start." She explained sitting back. She let the court on break. The jury left to discuss the answer. Cherokee looked around and pointed at the judge.

"My..... Un. cle." She stuttered falling back on Merle. The hole roomed awwed. Merle picked her up and spinned her. She giggled.

"That's my Redneck flower." Merle chuckled. I walked up and punched his arm.

"Our flower" I growled poking Cherokee belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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