ghost hunting » johnson

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writing some spooky imagines for halloween!!!


"Come on, Y/N! It'll be so much fun!"

"I don't know, it sounds kind of... scary as shit." I muttered.

My boyfriend, Jack Johnson, thought it would be a fun idea to go to an abandoned college he'd seen while driving around the other day. He wants me to go with him, of course, but why me? If ghosts are real, I'd be no help to him and we'd both die.

"What if we die?" I asked worriedly.

"We won't baby. Ghosts aren't real. So we won't actually get hurt. But the paranoia will scare the shit out of us! Perfect for Halloween!"

"Sounds like a nightmare."

"C'mon Y/N. I'll be there with you, we can cuddle and stuff. I'll protect you." he winked.

"Well, as long as nothing bad can happen right?"


That night at around midnight, Johnson and I took off for the college building.

"If worse comes to worse, and it's not even scary, I'm sure we can find some place to bang."

I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Here we are." Johnson said, pulling over to the side of the road since we can't park near the school.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I said shakily.

"Were gonna be perfectly fine babe. I got you."

"Okay, okay. Ghosts aren't real, ghosts aren't real...." I muttered.

"Here's a flashlight, oh and my hand since you're probably gonna need that, too."

"Fuck you." I snarled, snatching the flashlight and my bitchass of a boyfriends hand.


After breaking down the wooden barrier on the main offices front door, Johnson and I found ourselves in a dusty dark room.

Johnson shined his flashlight around the room, all we saw was a desk with plenty of cobwebs, and some old chairs with a table and some dusty newspapers on it.

"Let's check the date on these." Johnson pulled me over to the table.

"Can you read this?" he handed it to me.

"I can just make out the year. 19....35?" I gasped.

"Shit, this place is old as fuck." Johnson muttered, throwing down the newspaper, creating a dust storm that sent me into coughing hysterics.

"Why did...belghe...this place get abandoned anyway?" I wheezed.

"Three students committed suicide over the course of a month, they didn't know how to cover it, so they shut it down, completely abandoned everything."

"Oh god..." I whispered.

"Shhh baby. Ghosts aren't real, you know that."

"Doesn't mean I'm not creeped out, I wanna go."

Suddenly, a dim light began flashing behind the glass door that led to campus.

"J-Jack?" I stuttered.

He didn't say anything, no "ghosts aren't real" bullshit, no comforting words, nothing.

His hand just gripped mine at least ten times harder than it was.

"Babe, we've got to get out of here."

He turned around, pushing myself in front of him, and guiding us to the door we came in.

To my horror, it was locked.

"L-Locked?" I squeaked.

Again, Johnson didn't say anything, probably trying to keep calm and to not freak me out even more.

He began violently tugging at the door, to no avail.

Without realizing it, I had begun to cry.

Sobs escaped my mouth as I turned around and saw that the bright light was even brighter than ever through the glass door.

Johnson gave up on the front door, and from what my flashlight showed, he was death pale and few tears were placed in his eyes as well.

"Babe," his voice cracked, "please don't cry. Were gonna be fine. And even if we aren't, you'll be, because I won't let anyone get you, I promise."

I cried harder, running over to him and sobbing into his chest.

"Come on now, you've got to be quiet. We need to hide."

He laced our fingers together again, and guided us over to the front desk.

We hid underneath, a few cobwebs in the way, but Johnson swatted them away.

We huddled close to each other, Johnson shakily stroking my hair to calm me down.

Suddenly, we heard a door open.

I almost yelped, luckily Jack had covered my mouth with his hand, placing his head on top of mine.

"Where'd they go?" we heard someone whisper.

I tensed up, Jack gripping on to me tighter than ever.

"I don't know bro, where else could they go? We would've seen them come out."

Something clicked in my head, and it clicked in Johnsons at the same time because we both turned to look at each other and whispered,

"The boys."

While the guys continued to whisper about our whereabouts, me and Jack made a plan to jump up and scare the shit out of them.

"1...2...3" Jack whispered, me and him springing up and screaming, causing the three boys standing there, Gilinsky, Sammy, and Kenny to scream like little girls.

"What the fuck?" we all said at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Johnson asked.

"What..Were...We were just..." Sammy stuttered.

"Look, we heard your plan to come here tonight and we thought we'd follow you and scare the hell out of you and Y/N. But you ended up scaring us!" Gilinsky laughed.

"Fuck you guys." Johnson muttered, taking my hand in his and dragging us out.

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