Chapter Five

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Picture on the side is of Gregg Sulkin, character inspiration for Gale. His dimples are so freaking cute! ^_^

Enjoy reading! :)

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Chapter Five

The emotion of anger made me disregard all reasoning and ignited a fire to spread throughout my body. I could feel my rationality leave me as my stormy eyes met Gale's outraged ones, and his words from before echoed in my ears.

"Oh! Would you look at that?" Gale asked rhetorically, turning his head to glance at Natalie once before looking back at me. "Mere fifteen minutes inside this apartment, and she is already spying on me. Natalie, do you really expect me to tolerate this nuisance?" he waved his hand over the length of my body as if he wasn't just referring to my action but to myself in general.

"Gale-" Natalie began to say, but lost in my rage, I cut her short with my own growling words.

"What do you mean by spying? If I wanted to spy, trust me, you wouldn't have found out. But as it turns out, I am just not interested, not in spying on you, and not in living with you in this apartment. If you don't want me here, or have a problem with me, have the balls to say it to my face." The words just came tumbling out of my mouth, and I didn't regret a single one of them. Gale looked shocked for a second before his enraged expression returned, now fueled even more by my words.

I took a step closer to him and looked up to meet his eyes. He was a good few inches taller than me, but neither his height nor his broad exterior intimidated me in that moment. "How dare you call me a bitch? How dare you question my character?" I spat the words at him before a slow, arrogant smirk formed on my lips. "Making so many judgments about me after seeing me for the first time just fifteen minutes back says a lot about your character, and it's even worse than your assumptions about me."

Gale barked out a sarcastic laugh, rolling his eyes at me. "Meeting you for the first time, huh? Oh, but bitches like you aren't all that unique. Meet one, and it's like you've met them all." He, too, took a daring step forward and I could feel fury emanating from his body. "I don't care enough to defend myself in front of you, so just get out."

"With pleasure. I hadn't planned on living with trash anyway." After glaring at each other for a second too long, I finally made a move to get out of that place, pushing against his shoulder with mine and sending him off balance for a short moment.

"Damn it, Gale! What the hell is wrong with you?" I could hear Natalie exclaim in frustration, but my inflated ego didn't let me turn around to look at her. "Raelyn, please stop? We can talk it out like mature people. I apologize for what Gale said, he shouldn't have," she said, her hand resting on my shoulder, desperation clear in her voice.

I took a deep breath to release some of the anger, trying my hardest to be calm while talking to Natalie. "Natalie, it wasn't your fault, and it's alright. I'm sure we can find some other place, and till we do, we will stay at a hotel."

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