Chapter 7: Tobias - The Day After

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A/N: I apologize for how long it took to get this chapter ready. I have had almost no time to write in the last two weeks, and on top of that, this chapter kept growing. It was originally pretty much a filler chapter, but it kind of took on a life of its own. I hope you like it.

I also want to thank everyone who has taken the time to review, favorite, and/or follow this story - and everyone who took the time to send good wishes for some rough things that were happening in my life. Your support has really helped me to keep going through some difficult times, and I appreciate it very much! Thank you also to the wonderful BK2U, who turned this chapter around super-fast, giving me a chance to post it today.

Chapter 7: Tobias – The Day After

Tobias keeps his arms around Tris in some form or other all night. It starts with him cradling her after the single best lovemaking experience of his life, while sleep slowly claims their satiated bodies. But the desire to maintain contact is too great to stop there. Instead, he finds himself waking up every time she moves away during the night, even if it's only a temporary shift to the side. He can't seem to avoid following her, pulling her close again and spooning with her in a way he never has with anyone else.

He doesn't, however, realize the full depth of his need until he awakens around three o'clock, still holding her tightly even though one arm is so deeply asleep it has lost all sensation. He moves it just enough to restore blood flow, gritting his teeth against the painful pins and needles while stubbornly refusing to unwrap his other arm from around her. Clearly, he is physically incapable of letting her go.

So, he's not surprised when he opens his eyes to the sunlight streaming over the bed and finds that she's still locked firmly in his grasp. Her head is on his chest again, while he holds her close, and he smiles a little as he realizes that both cats are pressed against her back, effectively keeping her in place against him. He mouths a silent thank you to them, amused that this is what it took for DC to come near Tris.

It's too late in the morning for him to drift off again, but he doesn't want to disturb Tris, so he lies there quietly, just watching her. She is beyond beautiful – sweet and relaxed, with her short hair reflecting the sunlight in a sparkling blend of blond and brown fire.

If he could change one thing in his life, it would be the way he left her all those years ago. Realistically, he had to leave, but he should have done it differently. He should have made sure she knew there was no one else. He should have told her over and over at every possible opportunity that she was the only one he wanted – the only one he looked at – until she could no longer even begin to doubt her worth. She deserved that certainty.

She stirs a little next to him, groaning in protest of the morning. It makes his lips quirk upwards, since he's never had the chance to see her wake up after a full night's sleep. They were still in high school the last time they were together – and had the severely limited privacy that goes with that – so their moments together were stolen and shorter than he always wanted.

"Good morning," he murmurs, pulling her even closer so he can place a light kiss on the top of her head.

She opens her eyes, slowly focusing on the grin that's lighting his face. "Oh, God, you're a morning person, aren't you?" she mumbles in disgust. The comment draws a wry chuckle from him.

"Hey, I woke up to you. Of course I'm in a good mood."

She raises a droll eyebrow. "And yet I'm not. What does that say?"

His amusement rumbles through his chest. "I see an additional reward is needed." He leans closer, dropping his voice to a whisper as he adds, "Look behind you."

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