Chapter 11: Tobias - Thanksgiving

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who took the time to review the last chapter! I loved your comments. Thank you also to my wonderful beta reader, BarbaraK2U, who helped me catch some unintentional repetition in this chapter. This is another fairly short chapter, but I wanted to post it while it's timely...

Chapter 11: Tobias – Thanksgiving

"You're sure he won't be there?" Tobias feels weak for asking the question, but he can't help it. There's no way he wants to see his father.

"I'm sure." Tris adjusts his tie a little, her fingers lingering on his chest. "He alternates holidays between different coworkers, and he's spending this one with the Blacks."

Tobias gives a jerky nod, running his hands lightly down Tris' arms to calm his nerves. "Do your parents know I'm coming?"

Her expression answers the question before her words do. "Not by name." The side of her mouth lifts apologetically. "I was afraid my dad might tell Marcus if he had advance warning."

Another nod. "Probably a good call." Neither of them raises the obvious issue – what they'll do about Christmas, when there's no way to avoid that advance notice. Maybe he'll just stay at his apartment that day, like he traditionally does. Though it wouldn't be fair to Tris....

"Is Caleb bringing his girlfriend?" he asks instead, trying to deflect attention from his own messed up family.

"His fiancée," Tris emphasizes, smiling a little. "Cara. And yes, they'll both be there."

Despite his anxiety, Tobias' lips lift at the correction. Pulling Tris to him, he rests his forehead on hers. "Fiancée," he murmurs, enjoying the feel of the word in his mouth and wondering if he'll be able to use that term for her at some point.

"Yup." Tris seems to be oblivious to any deeper implications. "I was surprised they didn't wait to announce it today, but I guess they wanted her family to know sooner." She shrugs. "Anyway, we should get going."

"Yeah." Tobias releases her reluctantly. "I'll grab the pie."


Offhand, he can't think of many moments in his life more awkward than this one. He stands just inside the doorway to the Priors' home, the apple pie in one hand, as Natalie stares at him, shell-shocked, and Andrew glares at him coldly. Utter silence fills the room.

"Hi Mom. Hi Dad," Tris finally tries, her voice unnaturally high.

"Hello, Tris, honey." Natalie forces a smile. "You didn't tell us that your 'new' boyfriend was Tobias."

Biting her lip nervously, Tris says, "Didn't I mention that? I thought I did."

The lie fools no one, though only her father calls her out on it. "No, you definitely didn't." His tone is icy.

"Oh. Umm, sorry?" Tris looks anxiously between her parents' unwelcoming expressions. Tobias reaches for her hand, giving it a supportive squeeze.

"How long has this been going on?" Andrew seems even angrier as his eyes take in their linked fingers.

To everyone's surprise, the answer comes from deeper in the room. "I'd say two months. Maybe three." Caleb gives his sister a small smile – a considerably warmer greeting than their parents have managed.

"You knew?" Andrew is glaring at his son now, shock and betrayal registering on his face.

"No." Caleb shakes his head to reiterate his innocence. "I'm just judging by when she started acting happy again." Something lightens inside Tobias' chest at the words. No matter how rocky their second-time-around has been, something must be right for Caleb to notice that type of change.

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