I hate seeing my little sister cry. I hate that my best friend, well ex-best friend, cheated on her. I hate that Shauana might be pregnant due to my stupidity. I hate that everything is falling apart at the seams.

"Ok we still need to go to the store for the follow me around," Tris starts. She takes a deep breath and then starts again," someone go get Four. Wherever the hell that thing is!"

"What? No! He is no longer in this group. He hurt you Tris," I shout then get quieter towards the end.

"Oh boo hoo," she starts, making people laugh," just because he did something stupid, doesn't mean that you can't still being friends with him. You guys were friends before we started dating. You can't loose your best friend because of me Zeke." She has a point.

"Ok, I'll go get him," I get up walking out my room door and calling Four. He picks up almost instantly. "Where are you?"

"I'm still in our room," he replied.

"Stay there and get dressed then meet me in the kitchen," I commanded. Sounding colder than I wanted to.

Five minutes later, he walks into the kitchen. I stalk up to him slowly, then punch him. I punch him right in the eye. Then in the stomach.

"Ok I probably deserve a lot more then that," he comments.

"Hell ya you do," I start. Calmer now that I punched him," what the fucking hell were you thinking, cheating on my sister?"

"I don't know dude. All I know is that I made a mistake and I want her back."

"Ok well that's the girls job see if you can get them to forgive you and then help you get Tris back. But if you hurt her this next time, you will get out in the hospital."

"Don't plan on it," he replied. Good answer.

(Tris' POV) at the store

"Hey guys it's The Gang here for a follow me around. Yay," I say into the camera," so basically all we're doing, is we film us buying stuff and being stupid," I finish. The girls made me all better with the power of makeup.

"Ok so let us go," Uriah says stealing the camera away from me. He starts to jump out of our jeep but instead trips over the door and face plants into the concrete.

"Oh my god that was hilarious," Mar starts laughing her ass off," are you ok babe?"

"Ya lets just go before I really hurt myself," what got into him? Oh Four showed up. And he has a black eye. Ha Zeke got him good.

"Dude what happened to your face," Peter asks laughing.

"Nothing I just ran into a door," he grumbled. I smirk. Ya! If you call Zeke's face a door than sure!

Come on guys lets go," I say chuckling to my thought. Door my ass.

When we get inside the store, we head straight to the suitcases.

"Ok guys. Each couple gets one big suitcase and then each person gets one carry on," Will says," it makes the most sense." Christina must see my 'what the hell' face so she elbows Will and nods towards me. He notices me and mouths 'I'm sorry'. 'It's fine' I mouth back.

"Ok off we go I'll go this way and ya. No one follow me," I say. I walk away and I hear no footsteps following me.

"Omg," some teenage girl screams," it's Tris Prior from YouTube. Can I get your picture?"

"Well I have a better idea. My friends are here as well and we are filming. Do you want to be in the video?" She nods ferociously. I take her to the group. I see Lynn talking to the camera.

"Yo Lynn. I found a fan get the group together," she nods then texts everyone," ok guys so I was walking and I found a little fan of ours. What's you name hun?"

"My name is Arabella," she replies shyly.

"Well Arabella," I start," how would you like to spend a day with some of us?"

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious," I state.

"Yes OMG I am going to spend the day with FourTris. My fave ship ever," she squeals.

"Well actually, the boys and Uriah are going to be getting everything ready for Disney. But us girls can go shopping and you can sing with us if you want," I suggest trying to not show the hurt behind my eyes. I guess she caught it though.

"Are you okay," she whispers to me.

"I'll tell you during our girl day today. Go tell your mom and we can start it now. I'm sure Uriah won't mind buying my stuff for me. Would you Uri?"

"No of course not Tris," he says ruffling my hair. And then we are off to our girls day. I bring a camera and the boys keep one. We'll edit to where both POV are in the follow me around vid.

This is going to be a long day.

Hey guys. Well there you go FourTris is no longer. But don't worry they'll come back sooner or later. Or will they? Read to find out.
Love y'all and as always
Stay divergent we can't be controlled

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