" A ability was out tongue Young Prince. It's called dragonese. That's is only one of the many gifts you have bottled inside you. " Inferno explained.

Toothless looked to me " Hiccup? "

I lifted my head to his call with a big smile on my face. Toothless nuzzled my head happy that we could talk without the movements.

" This is the greatest gift I've gotten. " I said looking up to Inferno.

" After our training could you tell the queen thank you for me? " I asked.

Inferno nodded " I'm sure she will be happy to hear that tears of joy spilled learning about your gifts. "

" How many gifts do I have? " I asked.

" Abundant young Prince. The ability to breath and welled fire. The ability to change into a Nightfury, for the Queen new how close you two were and designated to make you brothers. You will be able to change any part of your body to a Nightfury such as claws to hands and feet, sharp fangs, and of course wings. The Queen also informed me that your dragon from will not have a missing leg only a scar on that leg. Your body will undergo changes as well to fit the roll as a Nightfury and Prince. " Inferno explained pausing for a breath.

I was amazed at the gifts the queen gave me. I hugged Toothless tighter. I have a brother. He liked that idea just as much as me.

" She also instructed to me that you have to power to heal your friends if you choose, but it will take awhile and you will have to control all of your gifts in hope to accomplish this fleet. " Inferno concluded.

I jumped around happy that Toothless could fly on his own. He looked equally as excited as me.

" Hear that bud I can heal your tail! " I said.

He gave me his gummy smile as a response. I was just so happy. I could repay for braking off his tail fin.

" I forgot to mention something about your healing property's. You'll have to be in close distance in order for the tail to stay healed. " Inferno said.

I looked at him confused. Have to be close to each other in order for Toothless to have a tail fin? He looked at me sadly.

" Everything comes at a price young prince. Your friend lost his fin, your trying to heal one out of thin air. As such you have to be constantly healing him, we'll find out the distance later but if your not within that distance border. Your brother's tail fin will return to its normal state. " Inferno explained.

I nodded. It's a understandable term for such an amazing ability. Me and Toothless will be able to fly together just like we wanted. I calibrated a flying suit but knowing that I could turn into a Nightfury I don't need it anymore.

" So...when do we start? "  I asked.

Inferno smiled " Now. "

" For your first lesson you will create a plasma blast. Imagine a ball of fire in your hands then aim it at this back side of the cave, don't want to get the changelings riled up. " Inferno instructed moving his body to the entrance of the cave.

I closed my eyes imagining the fire ball in my palm. I could feel heat rise between my fingers and I could see light shadows start to form.

" Now fire it. " Inferno instructed.

I stretched out my arm as the warmth left my hands. It had a weird feeling to it. As if my whole body started to over heat. When I opened my eyes my hand was smoking and the wall had a circle scorch mark. Toothless looked like he was about ready to faint.

Inferno nudged me purring with pride " You did remarkably well my Prince. "

" Hiccup, call me Hiccup. " I replied.

He nodded purring louder as I petted his snout. I did the same for Toothless. I'm happy that I have Toothless with me, I couldn't do anything without his support and comfort.

" Again, this time with your eyes open. " Inferno ordered lifting his head from my hand.

I nodded, running threw the same process as last time. The heat returned when I focused on my palm. Blue flames circled the air around my hand becoming dense once reaching my palm.

I aimed for the wall letting the plasma go. It fired just like Toothless in the same spot. Inferno nodded in approval and told me to keep going until it became a automatic response.

------------------------------------------------------- Stoic's POV  -----------------------------------------------------------

I sent a search party to retrieve my son. I never seen him so railed up before, it's unsettling. Something happened in that forest to change him for a split second. Hiccup was a person who never yelled at anyone it just wasn't in him. Though he didn't yell I could see anger flash across his face.

Astrid and the others will find him. I believe in them well enough to have my son safely return home. I reconsider my judgement on him for now, it wasn't right for me to punish him before hearing him out. I learned from my mistake of banishing him before I heard his side of the story. I almost got him killed for that action.

" Why can't I get anything right? " I asked to the gods.

I hope I was a good father to him, but today it feels like there's a hole other side to hiccup that I don't even know. I need more time with him, after all I'm his father.

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