“When doesn’t breakfast sound good?”

“Good point.” He smiled and drove toward my favorite breakfast café. Once we were there we got out of the car and went inside. We were one of the few people there, as usual, and we were seated and served fairly quickly.

            After breakfast we went across town to the movie theatre and saw Iron Man 3, which was amazing. Jay thought it was alright, but that’s just because he’s jealous of Robert Downey Jr. and how beautiful he is.

            On our way to the mall we picked up some McDonalds for lunch. “We’re gonna go to a bigger mall, so it will be a bit of a drive” Jay informed me as we were leaving the McDonalds parking lot.

            When we FINALLLY got to the mall we went into every store and spent at least four or five hours there. Jay insisted on buying me a ton of stuff for tour, as if I don’t already have enough.

            Once we got back into the car Jay pulled a circular tube out of one of the shopping bags and handed it to me, it was wrapped in wrapping paper with hearts all over it. “For you.” He smiled cheekily and handed it to me,

            I opened the package to reveal a poster, at first I didn’t know what it was of because it was still wrapped in a layer of plastic, but when I finally got it off I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It was a poster of him, when the band first started which was about 4 years ago.

            “Hey it’s not that bad!”

            “Yes it is!” I giggled at his pout. “Stop pouting, it’s a cute kind of bad. I’m gonna cherish this forever….but I think I need u do sign it” I winked at him and he smiled slightly.

            I handed him a pen and he signed right above the words “Jay McGuiness” at the bottom of the poster.

            “Thank you babe, I love it” I kissed his cheek and slid the poster into the back seat with the rest of the stuff I got, “You didn’t have to buy all that for me.”

            “I’m your boyfriend…isn’t that what boyfriends do? Spoil their girlfriends?”

            “I guess.” I chuckled and put my buckle on. I Slipped off my shoes and set my feet on the dashboard and cranked up the radio.

            Jay started driving and singing along to Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO. I giggled, watching him jam out. After that I plugged in my phone to the stereo and put it on a playlist of love songs. Of course the first song that played was Jay’s song for me…. Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. He smiled and took one hand off the wheel and put it on my leg. I slipped my hand under his and intertwined our fingers as he sang along to the song.        The way back to the hotel seemed much shorter, maybe it’s because I was distracted by jay singing to me the whole time.

            When we got back to the hotel we carried all my bags up to the suite, and took them into our room and plopped them wherever we could find a spot.

            “I’m so tired” I flopped onto the bed.

            He sat down next to me and stared at me for a moment before asking, “Do you want dinner?”

            “Yeah” I smiled as he hopped off the bed and left to make dinner.

            I grabbed my computer and started watching Jane by Design on Netflix. Once he came back in he handed me a plate of mac and cheese and slid in the bed next to me. He watched the show with me, even though I knew he didn’t like it.

            “Thank you for dinner, Jaybird.” I set my plate on the nightstand and slid closer to him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my head, “Of course, Chloe.”

After a couple more episodes of Jane by Design, I was starting to get tired, and Jay could tell because I wasn’t answering in sentences that made sense.

“You need to sleep.”

“I’m spending time with my bucko” I mumbled, my eyes closing.

“Your bucko?”

“Yeah…you…my boy boy”

“Goodnight Chloe” he laughed and got out of the bed and laid down on his “bed” on the floor.

“Goodnight apricot” I fell into unconsciousness.

            About a week later I was ready to go on tour, as were the boys, so we picked out a new tour bus big enough for all of us and all of our stuff, since we wouldn’t be getting hotels very often we just got an extra big tour bus.

            When we finally found one, we loaded all our stuff into it. It was basically like one big hallway. When you first walk in there’s the kitchen and living room. Then when you turn to the left, there’s a hallway. The way it’s set up is that there’s a bunk and then a built in dresser underneath it. So there’s three on each side of the hallway.     After that there’s a small storage/music room and a bathroom.

            Once we were all loaded up, we set off onto the tour. First stop, New York! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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