Eric struggled to keep away from the hatchlings. But there was no way out of this nest. Billy swoop overhead, but he was too high to reach Eric "ERIC" he shouted "HOLD ON" he circled around to make another attempt.

Paul and Amanda rounded the corner and finally catch sight of Eric in the nest, some fifty feet below, fighting off the hatchlings "Hang on, Eric" Paul shouted.

Paul saw an outcropping he could jump onto from here. It was a big leap, though, he might not make it. He steeled himself up for the jump, then chickened out. The Grants and Amanda come up behind him. Suddenly, a second pteranodon crashed on the catwalk enclosure about them, right next to a gaping hole in the mesh. The catwalk groaned with the extra weight. The pteranodon jammed its head through the hole, snapping at them.

Billy circled, making his approach. In the nest, Eric kicked at the hatchlings, but they were undeterred. Billy and Eric would only have one chance. As Billy swoop past, Eric jumped and grabbed onto his boot. He was yanked up and out of the nest. But then, the pteranodon shot past, tearing out a piece of the parasail in its beak.

The pteranodon who landed on the top of the catwalk continued to snap through the hole in the enclosure. Finally the reptile's massive weight proved too much, and the entire section of the catwalk broke free of the canyon wall and flipped over laterally. Amanda, Alan, Aella and Paul were able to hang on, but so did the pteranodon, who now climbed to their way.

His parasail badly damaged Billy tried to keep aloft. Heading as low as he dared, he yelled to Eric "Let go."

Terrified, Eric fell into the river safely. He surfaced, immediately swimming to shore. Trying to gain altitude, Billy bended hard to the right but the rigging was too badly damaged. He flew right into the canyon wall, hitting hard. Instead of tumbling down to the river, he found himself swinging from his harness - the parasail snagged on a rock spire above him.

Paul, the Grants and Amanda struggled to stay away from the pteranodon as it moved towards them. Suddenly the far end of this inverted section of catwalk detached from the canyon wall and swung downward.

The force of the action sent the four tumbling directly towards the pteranodon. Miraculously, they managed to avoid its open beak. But they were all sent plummeting towards the river below. They hit the water hard, resurfacing moments later. The current was carrying them downstream.

The two pteranodons who were pursuing Billy now landed on nearby ledges and considered how best to dispatch their prey. Billy frantically tried to unhook his harness, but the tension was so tight from his own weight that he couldn't lose the buckles.

Paul and Amanda emerged from the water by the canyon wall and found their son hiding behind a rock, searching the skies for Billy. Amanda toke Eric tightly in her arms, and Paul urged them to keep moving. Up ahead, the mesh of the aviary met the river.

The Grants now were scanning the canyon, searching for Billy. It didn't take long to spot him. Billy continued to struggle with the harness but to no avail. The doomed young man was suspended high up on the canyon wall like a modern Prometheus, an entire flock of pteranodons gathered around him preparing to peck away his liver and everything else. A huge pteranadon landed beside him and looked him straight in the eye.

The gigantic creature lunged at him. Billy dodged away as best he could. The pteranodon's frustrated bit severs a crucial juncture on Billy's harness, and Billy was able to wriggle free.

Eric, Amanda, Paul and the Grant watch in amazement as Billy was the last to plunge down into the river "He made it" Aella shouted relieved.

Billy bobbed to the surface and spotted the group downstream. He waved and began to swim towards them. Soon he got closer and got in to his feet, wading as he came. The Grants, Paul, Amanda and Eric hurried to meet him.

Both Aella and Alan were overjoyed to see him alive. But their smile quickly faded as they saw the entire flock of pteradons diving down above in angry pursuit of their lost prey "BILLY, LOOK OUT" Aella shouted terrified.

Billy glanced behind him. He raced forward, motioning to his companions to turn around "GET BACK" he shouted at them, he looked this time straight at Aella "GET BACK."

Just then Billy was knocked down by the lead pteranodon. It stroked from behind with a brutal, calculated beak to the head. Billy stumbled and fell to the ground. Aella rushed forwards with Alan and Paul right after him, Amanda took Eric safety down the river.

Billy screamed as the entire flock of pteranodons now swarmed around him, picking him apart with their beaks and claws "Billy" Aella shouted.

"It's no use" Paul grabbed her "It's no use."

Aella couldn't take her eyes off Billy, whose blood stained the water rushing by "NO" she shouted again trying to ran at him but now this time even her father stopped her.

Several pteranodons were heading their way. Difficult as it was to leave Billy behind, Alan grabbed his daughter and with Paul made a run for it. Just as the pteranodons were about to swoop in for the kill, Alan, Aella and Paul dived back into the river...and resurfaced on the far side of the mesh aviary wall, gasping for air. Just behind them, the huge pteranodon crashed into the mesh, it tears at the steel, actually ripping it in one place.

At the dock up ahead, Amanda and Eric had found a rusty, waterlogged barge that was somehow still floating. Carrying a tarp-covered cage, the boat was meant for transporting dinosaurs up and down the river.

Amanda pushed them away from the dock as Alan, Aella and Paul climbed on board. The current toke the craft downstream, letting them to get their first good look at the incredible aviary. It was a vast, domed mesh structure that spanned the entire can canyon in all, a feat of remarkable engineering and unmistakable hubris. Catching their breath, the five survivors looked at the cage they were caught in.

Aella sat down on the floor of the boat, with her hands covering her face; this was the third time she just watched how someone was killed by a dinosaur, the two first time didn't affect her as much, she didn't know them but this was Billy, her friend, hours ago she had shouted at him making sure he knew she wasn't his friend anymore. She felt so guilty at the moment and for the rest of her life she will still feel guilty.


Chapter number fifteen everyone.

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Love you all xxx. 

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