@Q & A

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RIP Caleb..... Gone, but forever missed. If you don't know who he is, he's a youtuber under the name of bratayley. :( I'm kind of late, but it doesn't matter just know I pray for his family and friends.

Favourite candy(-ies): chocolate (but I'm allergic to it so I substitute it for my second favourite: idgaf cuz idk)

Favourite department/craft store(s): Michaels, Ikea, Target

Favourite clothing store(s): Kohl's, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters (I only have about two things from their because ain't no body got time for those overpriced clothes.)

Favourite thing about family: well at my house I have a younger sister and brother they're twins, so I love how my mom doesn't really bother me she bothers them on what they do.

Least favourite thing(s) about family: Ya girl likes some attention sometimes. Most of the times when I do want it, they basically ignore me. When I don't they mess with me every second of the day.

Zodiac sign (that was a very random question) : Leo (birthday: July 30) any birthday twins up in hea'.

Name: Zain or is it...............

Where do you live: ummmmmmmm.......... O_o my mommy told me not to give out that type of information.

School: kind of similar to me just telling you where I live.

Any pets?: NOPE

Got a bae or nah: nah I'm too good for some booboo if you caught on...... u so smart. If you didn't u still probably are.

How old are you?:
Old enough

Religion: I don't want to start a religion war, so lemme keep my beliefs to myself pahlease. I said pray in the beginning so it gets easier guessing.

Best friend(s): Micheal, Nyla, Audrey, Serenity, Jatoria. Idek if some of them consider me as theirs but I consider all of them mine.
Okay I'm sleepy af so I'll probably update more.

NOTICE: I said probably

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