(5) What She'd Done

Start from the beginning

"It isn't your fault. Alcohol can do the stupidest of things, we would know. Sarah and Eve having an affair was just ridiculous, there is no way that would have happened if it wasn't under the influence of alcohol, but I'm glad that they were drinking, because now we can see where their feelings and priorities lye." Sam tells me, and I nod.

"Exactly." I say, "It's just annoying that our lifestyle is made fun of like it is, I hate that. I just don't want to drink, do people have to have such an issue with that?"

"I don't understand it either Grace, but I'm quite glad that we have decided to never drink, it saves a lot of problems and troubles."

We'd made a pact in highschool when we first became close that we were never going to drink, after the incident with my parents occurred. Alcohol was probably the reason that my Dad had an affair, if he was sober, he would have had the smarts not to.

"Thank you for everything. And I promise you can have your hoodie back soon." I tell him and giggle,

"It suits you, keep it if you want. I can always steal it back, we do live together." He says and smiles, and I smile back.

"Thank you. Seriously thank you, and I'm sorry that you had to see me like you did a few hours ago, and I'm also sorry if my breath smells awful." I say, because my mouth currently doesn't taste the nicest.

He laughs a little, "Your breath is fine, just don't kiss me." He jokes, and I hit his arm.

"I wouldn't do that," I say and tap his lips with my finger, pulling a face slightly. "Too slimy..."

"Sorry about that, I'll get that fixed...?" He says, then looks confused at the end, playing with his bottom lip.

I giggle and laugh at him, "You're such an idiot," I tell him and he laughs too.

"So are you." He insults jokingly, and I pretend to be offended.

"Does idiot number 1 want to go and make some amazing Nutella milkshakes?" I ask, and Sam nods and looks at me like a child would as if they were about to receive a present.

"Yes! And does idiot number 2 agree that we can try Nutella hot chocolate another day?" He asks me, and I nod.

"Of course, but idiot number 1 needs to promise not to use an entire tub of Nutella, or he'll feel sick." I say and giggle.

"Alright," He says, "Does idiot number 2 want to change? Or nah?"

"I think idiot number 2 likes what she is wearing," I say, and stand up, glad that the hoodie goes over my butt so you can't see my underwear.

"Idiot number 1 thinks idiot number 2 looks extremely cute in that," Idiot number 1... I mean, Sam, says.

I grin, "But idiot number 2 thinks she wants to put socks on, because her feet are cold."

"Idiot number 1 agrees, as he doesn't want number 2 to have cold feet on the cold tile flooring of the kitchen."

I laugh and go over to the door, and Sam follows me. I rush into my room quickly, grabbing a pair of bed socks out of my drawer, then rushing back to the door.

"Let's a' go!" I say, spinning in a circle on the ball of my foot and heading for the stairs, Sam following me.

When we get to the kitchen, I go into the fridge, grabbing the milk, then into the freezer, getting the ice cream. Sam looks at me when I do.

"What are we putting in the milkshakes?" He asks, then scoops some ice off of the frosty lid of the ice cream tub, putting it in his mouth.

"Well, obviously Nutella, but we can put something else in as well if you want?" I tell him, and he nods.

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