#7: Confessional

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The walk home from the diner was quiet, not a quiet that was awkward and made you wonder if you said something wrong, but the kind of quiet that made you admire small things like the colourful leaves or the smell of fresh bread coming from the bakery.

While the pair walked back to the University campus Newt was relieved to finally have opened up to Thomas about his past, because now it felt like someone had taken a burden off his shoulders.

He didn't usually put himself in a position where he was vulnerable to someone else, but Newt knew Thomas should know what he was getting into.

When they were back on campus and standing in front of the dorm buildings Newt dragged the toe of his converse sneakers over the pavement, not sure if a hug or a kiss on the cheek would be appropriate.

Thomas took that as his cue and squeezed the blonde's hand. "So do you want to come over tonight? Do some homework or something?"

"Sounds great, see you at seven?" Newt said as he started to walk backwards slowly in the direction of his dorm.

"Sounds like a date," The brunette winked at Newt as he disappeared inside the brick building.


The next day Thomas was staring into his closet humming some song that was stuck in his head. Kiss me like you wanna be in love, wanna be loved, want to be loved, he sang to himself quietly examining a blue-plaid shirt.

"Any particular reason you're serenading me with Ed Sheeran?" Minho asked from his bed. For the past half hour his friend had been looking back and forth between his phone and Thomas' wardrobe crisis.

"Maybe I'm just in a good mood." That was probably the easiest way to explain the way his heart soared knowing he'd be going to the boardwalk with Newt in twenty minutes. He kept replaying Newt's text from last night in his mind, furling his light mood.

I'm taking you to my favourite spot in the town tomorrow, the Rockshore Pier. See you at noon ;)

"Well it looks to me like my little Thomas is going on a date," Minho had risen from his bed and now stood beside Thomas staring into the closest's depth.

"Oh shut up Minho," Thomas blushed, but he was being ignored. His friend looked deep in thought for about a minute before grabbing a pair of jeans and the plaid shirt Thomas held earlier.

Minho thrust the pile of fabric into Thomas' arms and plopped back on his bed, staring at Thomas expectantly. When he made no move to leave Minho rolled his eyes. "Don't just stand there, go make yourself pretty."

Thomas just laughed entering the bathroom, but on second thought stuck his head back out to look at the other boy. "I'm already pretty thank you very much."


Thomas and Newt were going to the pier in Newt's red Mini Cooper, a possession he was very proud of considering the many years it took him to save for it.

They drove with the windows down and the radio up, their conversation having an ease to it Thomas couldn't remember having with anyone else.

The bright afternoon sun sent rainbows bouncing off the CDs messily strewn across Newt's dashboard. "I didn't know you collect these," Thomas grabbed a handful, flipping them to examine their covers, the artists ranging from Fall Out Boy to Adele to Iggy Azalea.

Thomas was chuckling as he held up the Iggy Azalea album and Newt flicked his eyes between the road and Thomas' discovery, his cheeks now a light pink.

"I don't collect them, I just listen to a lot of music. And that's Minho's," Newt told him. When the brunette's disbelieving gaze didn't falter Newt grabbed the CD from Thomas and threw it into the back of the car.

The blond replaced the radio commentator's drone with a upbeat song from his Fall Out Boy album. Eyes again focused on the road, he began singing along and drumming his fingers on the wheel.

Thomas was smiling like a complete idiot; being with Newt just had that effect on him. The way he could be a blushy, nervous wreck at one moment and the next sing off-key at the top of his lungs made Thomas realize how much fun he had with Newt, as well as something else.

"God, I'm in love with you," Thomas was staring at his friend, still grinning ridiculously. As soon as the words left his mouth though he shot straight up in his seat. It was way too early in their relationship for confessions of love, heck he didn't even know if what they had was a relationship. Surely a confession of love would scare Newt off.

Luckily Newt couldn't hear him over the ear-splitting volume, a combination of the music and his own singing. The song changed and Newt kept singing, contempt in his own little world.

Thomas was sure he loved Newt; more sure than the fact his name was Thomas or that the earth was round, but now wasn't the right time to admit such intense feelings. But one day, he thought. One day...


Short filler chapter to hold you guys over, but considering I haven't updated in almost three weeks it's better then nothing I guess.

I'm back into writing daily now, so updates should be back to weekly! Yay!

Xo Ri

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