Chapter fortyfive~ *The end.*

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“So can I leave now?” I asked, stepping away politely as I could before turning away without waiting for a reply. He let out a grunt and then jumped in front of me.

“No, Mrs Lyprith, you can’t.” He said, trying to hide a smile from his lips. I couldn’t help but laugh at my name too. I wasn’t Mrs Lyprith. I was just Vi.

“Why not Mr Aryn?” I held a snicker back, referring to his last name. He looked down and shuffled on his feet, laughing.

“Because you are the queen of Myllic. You are more important than anyone else here and even if the others won’t admit it, I will. We need you.” He smiled lightly and I frowned in thought.

I peeped at the on-watching rulers, wondering how on earth I could be more important than the guy with amazingly large wings, or the queen that wore a complete diamond dress.

“So come on,” He smiled, grabbing my hand and literally dragging me back. Just as everyone was filing quickly back into the room in the hopes they hadn’t been spotted, we all stopped dead.

“MOM! DAD!” Screamed a strained voice. I spun on my heel immidatly reacting like any mother would.

“Ebony!” I called back before I realised what was happening. In front of me stood a grey-haired, worn out, yet still more powerful than any of us, Thif.

I shivered.  Leo was speechless as his dad stood strong and mighty opposite us. I nearly fainted when I realised he had Ebony in his hands. The same hands that sucked the life from me. The fear of him doing the same to her filled me as I whimpered, fading back into the weak little human I had been in the arena.

“Remember me?” Thif laughed as the rulers cowered into the wall, not wanting to get hurt but not wanting to miss any action.

“No, care to remind me of your name?” Leo said, braver than me. He walked up to his dad with pride, carefully edging towards our daughter. I covered my mouth in fear that I could lose the two most important people in split seconds.

“Oh come on, son, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten your dear old pa’.” He laughed, tightening his hands around Ebony’s neck. She stayed completely quiet, taking in the situation while I let out a whimper. Thif turned to me at that. “Oh, Vi! Nice to see you again!” He smiled mockingly in my direction.

Thif let go of Ebony with one hand, only to fling Leo back against the wall of other rulers. I stood shivering, feeling naked without his protection. “Vi!” He called, even though it was him that had got hurt. I hugged myself, trying not to think of the very moment he had stolen my life, but I found it un-controllable as the memories flooded my brain.

“Mom, who’s this?” Ebony said, her voice shaking, looking slightly at the man with her life in his hands. I gulped, regretting hiding everything from her now.

“You haven’t told her? Oh, Vi, you really are like Eliyn.” He shook his head and chuckled to himself.

I stepped forwards at the mention of her name, tightening my hands into fists and flinging my wings outwards to show I would not let my daughter down.

“Thif, you have been banned from this world. What more do I have to do for you to get the message?” I said, rather sternly. 

He looked rather blank then, not able to come up with a reply for a few seconds. “I just want revenge, nothing else.” He said.

“I’ll think you’ll find it’s me that wants the revenge.” I snapped, raising my arms and carefully untangling my daughter from his hands. He wasn’t quick enough to get her back. I put her behind me with her father.

I stood forwards then, challenging Thif, despite the fact I was in a dress. He stepped forwards too, raising his hands.

But wait, hadn’t his powers been stripped?

While I was thinking of this, I was pushed backwards by his fire. I blocked it with my sheet of air, pushing back the attack. With that I opened my hand and in in appeared the same sword I’d received in the arena. I looked upwards to a shimmering spirit. I smiled at Eliyn before walked slowly to Thif.

I kept him motionless with one hand, surrounding him with a net-like sheet of air. He tried to struggle, only making me tighten the hold. He had his powers, but he’d lost his ability to use them like he had before.

I raised the sword, knowing I’d regret this, but knowing I had to do it.

“It’s over, Thif. You lost a long, long time ago. Let it go.” I said before dropping the sword into his chest and letting him fall like a dead leaf, rigidly to the ground. I stepped back, looking at his dead body like I was sure he had looked at mine.

There was a scream from Ebony as she realised her mother had just killed a man. But then a roar of cheers from the other kings. I turned around and looked at them as the shimmering spirit above me fluttered.

From the sparkles appeared Eliyn, and Phillip, in each-others hold. Then from behind them grew my grandparents, just as glorious as my mother. Then Leo’s parents and Miranda’s parents. Behind them was an army of the dead, all casualties from the war.

My breath was stolen.

“Vi Lyprith has done for you, everything. What have you done for her?” Shouted the army, crying with the pain of their injuries. I was shocked, but not enough to turn around at them. Well, this was a change of events.

The rulers looked at the transparent figures with confusion.

“Please, treat my daughter like any other queen, or you will have a little surprise the next time you wake up.” Ushered my mom. With that they all slipped away so suddenly and I shook my head, to make sure it wasn’t a dream.

With that it was like a sudden burst of joy, my daughter was holding me so tightly I didn’t have room to breathe, my husband was literally kissing my feet and the other kingdoms were falling before me.

Well, that changed quickly.

And I guess with everything here, it would change again soon. Because like Eelii’s personalities, nothing ever stayed permanently.

 Not even me.


(A/N: This chapter isn't what i wanted it to be, but I promsied I'd update. And hey, there's nto a real happy ending until the bad guy dies, right?! Thank you to everybody who attempted to read Broken Wings, and thanks to the people who supported me. I'm thinking about doing a story from the point of view of Aily, but that's not even an idea yet, just a little spark of not wanting to let Vi go. But I guess I have to. So, GOODBYE VI!)

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