the story of viability

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην moonrei

author's note: i hope everyone manages to find something interesting about it... somehow. this is lowercase intended because this time, capitalization means very little to me.


the story of viability from a through z.

» arguments [are what i cause to the point where it seems that i have lost a family member who happens to be worth more than me.]

» black [and blue are the colors that show the hurt and peacefulness that linger inside the irises of my eyes.]

» cake [and cookies are the simple luxuries that tempt me as i question my sanity and aching vanities.]

» disasters [are what form my human eyes and the darkened skies that lie above us all; however, something good always appears because yin and yang have come to save the day.]

» electricity [is what gives us light when we're in the dark for too long and have become blinded by the black canvas before us all.]

» friendship [is what i wish to keep, and i will try my best to protect it with my weakening strength and hopeful heart.]

» god [is real in my eyes, but sometimes, i wonder why because there's so much goodness and sinfulness combined that it is a miracle that we haven't keeled over this overpopulated ship that runs its course among the seas and its misleading waves of serenity.]

» hands [are soft or calloused depending on the ones you reach for, but mine are cold compared to yours. i'm sorry that they make you feel chilly, but i guess you're not sorry for warming me.]

» insecurity [is what drives me insane, but in the end, it's what keeps me still and alive like a crane.]

» jayson [is the pseudonym i've made for someone who has made my life better and worse all at once. but in the end, i still love him very much, and perhaps he loves me in a similar way too.]

» knowledge [and kindness are what i have, but a certain person has said that anyone can be smart and that i am far from being a kind, good person.]

» love [is something i wish to find in any type of form, shape or mind.]

» messes [are what i appear to be because i'm a jumble of incoherent adjectives, phrases, and slivers of memories.]

» november [is the time of fall, and i tumble along because this was when i was born.]

» oxygen [is what i try to breathe, but sometimes, i gasp too hard and hiccup for too long.]

» post meridiem [is the time where pain enters my heart, and i wish to rest my soul, even though i know that will lead me to an end so dark that many despise to have, just like how many despise me.]

» quests [can be deadly, don't you see?]

» rain [is beautiful, but it frightens me when its storm-filled clouds rumble and send shocking gusts of wind to accompany its terrifying roars and blinding flashes of what were once sprinkles of dusty sparkles.]

» starlight [is bright, but it cannot be seen, no matter when the sun rises or the evening approaches.]

» tears [fall when i cry, but no one wants to hear them at all because i don't deserve to let out sobs when it's all my fault.]

» umbrellas [are what i use to lack but now have for the tearful rain gets too heavy to handle sometimes.]

» viability [is what i am and always will be according to this story.]

» words [are inanimate things that i struggle to speak.]

» xylophones [are musical toys that i have never truly played with in the past, but i have heard that they sing the dance of the dead, so perhaps that is why i have not for i do not wish to die. not yet, not now.]

» yesterday [is in the past, but it still haunts my soul as time comes and goes by.]

» zinnias [are flowers that dance to the song of friendship, affection, and remembrance, and day after day, that is what i do. i listen to the patterning zigzag as i recall who i once was and who you once were until it is time to say "adieu" to you and you because once again, we're continuing the cycle of z-a or a-z. it all depends on how you read it really.]


author's note (continued): this was quite long, wasn't it? i tried my best, loves {sorry, it's crappy}. good luck to everyone out there.

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