"I will not leave your side. I promise." His nice words didn't sit well with me. Sure I slept with him but trusting him was different. It meant he meant something to me and I didn't know if I was ready to have feelings. Not just for him but feelings for anything for that matter. Numb was the only feeling I could handle right now.

"Go get packed." He said then went to the door.

"What about you?"

"I don't have anything remember. The only thing I hold in value is you." He kissed me on the forhead and went out side leaving me to stare at my empty kitchen feeling empty.

What did I need to bring? Nothing was all that came to mind, I knew anything I needed would be provided. That was the one perk I can truely say I liked living in this realm.

"It is time to go find my destiny, not sure what that entails but I was bloody well going to find out." I said out loud to my self.

The next morning Crispin woke us up earlier and he was now yelling from the bottom of my stairs at me. I looked around the room and smiled, I grabbed a sweater that appeared on my bed and slipped it on. I walked down the stairs and stopped in front of Crispin.

"You ready?" He asked as he looked at my empty hands.

"Yeah." I said as I moved to the door. "Its time already?"

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"You're not taking anything with you?"


"Okay lets go I guess." Crispin said eyeing my skeptically.

When we stepped outside I noticed my grandfather  sitting on a horse with two other horses by his side. "What are you doing with those?"

"Are transportation."

"Oh, I don't think so. How about a car?"

"No roads, no cars."

"You're joking?" He laughed at the look on my face.

"No, now take your reins." I took the reins from him. The horse was a large and brown that nayed in my face making me jerk. "Easy now you don't want to spook the horse."

"Right." I said as Crispin helped me board the big beast.

"Have you ridden a horse before?" I asked.  I felt nervous that this big beast controlls whether I stay on it or fall flat on my ass. Crispin gave my calf a squeeze as he checked my footings in the stirrups.

"Once or twice." He laughed as he moved to his large black horse and checking the saddle. He climbed on and it nayed but he leaned down and whispered into it's ear as he stroke her shiny coat. The horse shook out her long mane and started to trot.

"What did you say to her to get her to move?" I yelled after him. My grandfather was already up the hill and I was still stuck infront of my cottage. "Come on girl move your ass." I pleaded with the dumb horse.

"I told her she was the most beautiful thing in this realm next to you." He yelled over his shoulder.

"Funny." I spit back at him as him and my grandfather started down the hill.

I pleaded, dug my heals into its side and even whispered lovely words into it's ear but the damn thing wouldn't move. "Fine you win. I give up is that what you wanted to hear." I said to the horse. The horse nayed and shook out her mane and we started to move.

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