I whirled around and found my husband standing there with a small smile. He gave me a peck on the lips and gestured for me to hand over the baby.

"Eh, I don't really want to ," he gave me a crazy look. "What; can you really blame me? You held the twins all the time and now they like you more than me."

"Ugh, they do not. C'mon, just let me hold him, I'm sure that you're tired... Just for five minutes then I'll give him back."

I groaned and handed him the large nine month old. I hadn't actually realized how much my arms hurt until he took Jackson away. Jack could sit up, but I hated putting him down outside; everyone in the family had such sensitive skin.

I followed Ty to the picnic table that sat off to the side of the playground. The playground itself sat in the middle of our backyard, the twins taking turns sliding down the slide.

I squinted against the light of the sun as we sat down next to each other, just watching them play together. I remembered something that I had to tell Tyler. Nonchalantly, and without taking my eyes off the twins, I said, "Pretty sure I'm pregnant again."

"Really?" he kept the same tone as me and I nodded, "How long?"

"Um, I'm guessing date night, about a month ago."

"Any morning sickness yet?"

I nodded again, finally pulling my gaze from the twins to Tyler. "I would punch you if you weren't holding that baby."

"You always want to punch me, what did I do this time?"

"You got me pregnant... again, and only after nine months. It's like you're racing to catch up to Jackson Hughes."

He didn't say anything until I gave him my best glare. His shoulders slumped in an instant, "It's just... they have way more kids than us and they stopped at five - would you possibly be open to having six?"

I slapped his arm, "You little idiot, I'm telling Lauren and we are kicking your a-s-s-e-s. "

Tyler and I had started the whole spelling-things-out parent fade once the twins got around talking age. It was crazy that I even said yes when we decided on the topic, I hated that as a kid and here I was doing it to my kids.

"... Yeah, okay, but you didn't answer the question," he started to chuckled towards the end of the sentence.

His chuckle was contagious and we both laughed as I smacked his arm again, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, Ty."

I stood up walked towards the house to get ready for the twins' party. "That wasn't a no! Holy crap, are you open to six kids?!"

Planning a party for fraternal twins was hard. You try to incorporate dinosaurs and pink without making someone cry or crying yourself.

In the end, both children got what they wanted and by one all of the decorations were put up and Tyler was pulling food out of the oven. Jack sat in the kitchen in his walker playing with (a. k. a trying to eat) his toys as I signed for the cakes - one dinosaur themed, one princess themed - we had delivered from the bakery.

"Alrighty," I said, going down a mental checklist, "cakes are here, food ready?"

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am."

Perfect. The twins are getting ready, the entertainment is on it's way, games are set up. "Oh, my gosh; we did it. We did it!"

"No, Anastasia, this was all you."

"I can't cook, but there's food so technically you helped. It was us."

He smiled and we heard a knock at the front door. Let the crazy begin. On our way to the door, I picked up Jackson and Tyler called upstairs.

I Wish I Loved YouWhere stories live. Discover now