Chapter 6: To Tame A Beast.

Start from the beginning

“John! Don’t you dare bear your teeth at her?” I growled. I felt the Alpha spirit awaken within me. John backed down. I turned to Sarah, a look of pure fear spread across her face.

“Sarah…” I stepped into her line of sight. “… You remember when I told you about my life in Gaitsborough?”

She nodded, not taking her eyes from John.

“Well, this is what is left of it. Ann, John and Louise.” I told her. John and Ann shifted back to their human forms. I turned back to Louise.

“So what brought you three here?”

“When everything went to shit, we realized that the only thing keeping us together was you and Elizabeth. Well, you know what it was like when she… passed. Then when you skipped town, it just got worse.” John told me.

“Look, I’m sorry that I put you guys out like that. But I had to leave. I couldn’t stay in Gaitsborough. You have to understand why I left.” I told them.

“That’s the thing, Paul. We don’t understand. We get that it was hard when Elizabeth passed away…” Ann started.

“Stop saying she passed on! She was killed, murdered! It wasn’t peaceful, and it wasn’t her time! And if I ever get the chance, I’ll kill Jane myself for what she did. Then maybe, I may feel like some justice was dealt.” I barked.

“Paul, I am so sorry. If I hadn’t bitten Jane in the first place, none of this would have happened.” Louise told me.

“I don’t mean to interrupt…” Sarah started.

“Then don’t.” John snarled at her.

I ran at John, pinning him to the tree.

“Don’t you dare talk to her like that? Need I remind you I am still Alpha of this pack? I was never challenged for my rank, so I am still in charge, you will never use that tone with Sarah. Do I make myself clear?!” I snarled.

John’s eyes drifted to mine, he sighed.

“Yes, Paul.”

I dropped him and turned to Sarah, I took her in my arms.

“I’ll never let anything hurt you.” I stared into her eyes. She kissed me softly.

“I know.” She whispered.

I turned back to Louise.

“So why are you really here, Louise?”

“Jane got away. We were tracking her and we found her scent joined yours. We followed it and ended up here.” She told me.

“You let her get away?!” I roared. Jane was loose and for all I knew, she was tailing me. That meant Sarah was in danger. I had to get her out of here. “Sarah, we’re leaving. We’re going back to the apartment to get you some things, then we’re getting out of here.” I told her. She didn’t argue, she knew I was serious. I pulled her onto my back.

“What about the car?” She asked in my ear as I ran with her, holding on tight.

“It’s covered in your scent. I’m not risking your life for a car.” I told her. I had to move fast. Jane could be anywhere.

When we got to the apartment building, I just jumped straight to the window of the apartment. I climbed through the window into the bedroom.

“Ok, quickly, get some clothes; we’re going to be gone for a while.” I told Sarah.

“Alright.” She said simply.

I grabbed a backpack for her off the top of the wardrobe. She stuffed a few changes of clothes into it. I grabbed some shorts. I was going back to my old mind set of survival.

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