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[Dedicated to @wacohigh]

One day, in late December, Tom and Hermione were having a reading competition. Hermione was winning so far. She was eleven and Tom was turning eleven in three days. Hermione had remembered her birthday a few weeks after they met.
They had gotten a visitor, a guy named Dumbledore wanted to speak with them.
"Why are you here?" Tom asked.
"Be polite!" Hermione scolded.
"I wanted to see you to give you these." Dumbledore said then handed them each a letter.
They each read theirs then looked at eachother.
"I don't believe you." they both said in unison.
"How about now?" Then he pointed his wand at the floor and set it on fire.
"Yeah...." Hermione said in astonishment.
"I must go now, but I can bring you to diagon alley on Friday." Then he just left.
Diagon Alley
When they got to Diagon Alley, Tom and Hermione were basically jumping with excitement.
"I have somewhere to go, but here are your supply lists. And remember, follow your ticket." Then Dumbledore disapparated.
"Where should we go first?" Hermione asked.
September first arrived, and Tom and Hermione were elated.
They sat in an empty compartment, quizzing eachother on useless things. Soon the train halted to a stop.
"First years, over here!" a voice boomed.
Tom and Hermione followed the man nervously. They got their own boat.
It wasn't much time until they were in the Entrance Hall. Dumbledore explained the sitting ceremony then walked through the Great Hall doors, with the children in tow.
A few people got sorted until he called the name. "Hermione Granger."
Hermione saw Tom give her the thumbs up. She walked up to the stool with anything but confidence.
"Ah, Miss Granger, quite interesting... I remember the first time I sorted you...must not relay too much information.. SLYTHERIN!"
Hermione walked to the Slytherin table with the most confused look.
She was in such a daze she didn't notice Tom sit next to her a few minutes later. She was so confused, it didn't add up.
"What's wrong?" he asked conversationally. He was always nonchalant.
"Nothing!" Hermione snapped. She was annoyed- and even worse, with no reason. But Tom didn't mind if she was moody, he was used to it.
"I've known you for two years, Mione, I know when you're lying." he said calmly.
"I said nothing!" Hermione hissed.
"Fine." And with that, he dropped the subject.

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