Chapter 2: Pack Life.

Start from the beginning

“Is that an order?” Angel asked with a laugh.

“No, I’m not ordering anyone. It’s your choice, stay or go home, your call.” I told them. I took the bag from John and made my way to Elizabeth’s house. They followed me all the way. I stood at the edge of the forest and dropped the bag. I let out a long howl. I knew she had heard it. She came to her bedroom window and opened it.

“Ok guys, I’m heading in, I’ll talk to you tomorrow when I shift. There’s only one command I’m going to make.” I said.

“What’s that?” Angel asked.

“Don’t get seen.” I told them before I shifted. I grabbed the bag from the ground and took a running jump up into Elizabeth’s window. She didn’t hear me come in.

“Hey baby. You took your time.” She smiled when she saw me.

“Yeah, my Dad wouldn’t let me leave. He knows I’m not going back, but I’ll be looking out for him.” I said. I sat down on the big double bed and put my head in my hands. “How could I do that? Just when I’d come back, I left again. What kind of son would do that?” I asked myself out loud.

“One that knew they were doing the right thing to protect those they care about.” Elizabeth answered as she sat down beside me. I put my hand on her leg and looked into her eyes.

“I’m not sure I can do it anymore.” I told her.

“Do what?” She asked.

“Hurt the people that mean the most to me. I mean, when I left I hurt everyone. I hurt you, my Dad and my friends. And I just hurt my Dad again. I can’t do this anymore.” I told her.

“Then don’t leave us again.” She said simply before she kissed my lips.

“I promise babe, never again.” I smiled at her. “I’ve got to get some air; I’ll be like a half hour, tops.”

“Ok, do what you need to do. I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.” She assured me. I stood up and kissed her forehead. I dived out the window and shifted in mid-air, I ran for the trees when I landed.

I ran and ran. I just had to get my head straight. Faster, go faster. I told myself. I ran to the heart of the forest.

What I saw when I got into the clearing at the heart of the forest sent a chill down my spine. Blood, ripped flesh. Something horrible had happened.

“Paul, what are you doing here?” Said a voice that came from behind me. Louise. I shift back so I could talk to her.

“Louise, what the hell happened here?” I asked her.

“Come on, Paul, remember, I’m a vampire. This is my feeding time.” She told me with a twisted smile.

“So, who was it? Anyone I know?” I asked her.

“Not if you’re on first name terms with the local deer herd.” She laughed. “What? You thought I was a killer?”

“I don’t know. I just presumed that you fed off of people.” I admitted.

“Nah, not my thing. Animals put up more of a fight.” She told me. “So what brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“I needed some air. Just had to get out for a while.” I told her.

“So where you going now? Are you leaving?” She asked.

“No, I’m sticking around. How could I leave? I promised Elizabeth I’d never leave, plus I’m Alpha in the pack now.” I told her.

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