Black, White and Red Roses

Start from the beginning

“Watch it, Baby G. you know, you still look fat. That pretty dress isn’t going to hide the fact you were nothing but a big blob in year eight.”

“How dare you?”

“It’s simple really. I don’t follow your rules.”

Alyssa smirks. “Well, that’s funny. What about Viper’s rules?” she releases my arm and walks into the girl’s bathroom, swaying her hips from side to side, as I stand in the middle of the hallway with an ashen face.


“You’re so ugly, Amanda. No one likes you. Your daddy didn’t want you.” Baby G said as she pushed me against the metal lockers. Her pudgy fingers wrapped themselves around my neck and I crinkled my nose at her extreme case of bad breath. The Blob really needed a mint.

“Shut up,” I wheezed, as I tried to catch my breath.

“You’re so fat and ugly. Your blonde hair looks bad and you look like an ogre, with that scar on your cheek.”

“Isn’t that what you are? An ogre?” I replied. Baby G’s eyes widened when she realized it was an insult. However, by the time she noticed, it was too late. I had kicked her and freed myself from her clutches. My first thought was to rush away. Then rage and hurt let themselves in. the Blob had teased me about my hair, my freckles, and most importantly, my scar. No one teased me about my scar. I was through with running. No one was ever going to push me around ever again. No one would ever push me around.

“You freak!” Baby G yelled as she struggled to stand up.

“Wrong move,” I replied as I pounced on her. Screams filled my ears as the blood lust began. People cheered, people egged me on, people applauded. My fists bled. Sweat ran down my face. I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop.

It felt good. It was euphoric, addicting. Power was a drug and I never wanted to let it go. It was that moment I understood why daddy punched mummy and hit me on the face with the beer bottle. It was that moment I understood why Baby G tortured everyone. The feeling however, ended when strong arms pulled me from the child on the floor. The cheering faded and the sound of teacher’s voices sliced my eardrums. “You’re in so much trouble.” They said.

“I’ll make you pay for what you did.” Baby G screamed as she was pulled away.


I arrive home and nearly drown myself in the bathtub. I need more information. I need answers, clues, anything…

I quickly hurry out of the bathtub and scroll through people’s activities on Facebook. It doesn’t take me long to find what I’m looking for.

Hanging out with Alyssa at the Rose Gardens :)

I can’t help but smile. Thanks Sarah.” I say, as I look at my mutated phone. Then I begin questioning how she arrived on my Friend’s List in the first place. It was probably through Victoria… I’m not sure.

I hurriedly throw on some clothes and make up an excuse as to why I’m suddenly leaving the house at night, instead of studying.

I soon begin making my way to the Rose Gardens, along the highway. I drive quickly, not wanting to miss the opportunity before me. The clock is ticking. It waits for no one.

I park in the car park and wait until I spot Alyssa with her new bunch of friends, exciting the small café. They hug, kiss and say their farewells, before going their separate ways.

That is Alyssa’s first mistake. She decides to stay back, as if waiting for someone. I remain in my car, watching, waiting for something to happen. Is she Viper, or is she waiting for Viper? I can’t wait to find out. I wait for thirty five minutes and soon become bored out of my mind, so, I leave the car.

That is Alyssa’s second mistake. She’s unaware of my presence, and has her back turned to me.

“Hello Alyssa.” I watch as her body jerks in surprise and she quickly turns around.

“What do you want?”

“Where is Victoria?”

She flicks her hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” This is so cliché.

“Yes you do. Where is Viper?”

“Are you going cray, cray, Amanda? Paranoid, maybe?”

I strike Alyssa on the cheek, reveling in the sound of the sharp cry in the air. I hit her again and again, until she falls to the ground. “Where is she?”

“I don’t know.” Alyssa stands up, pulling down her dress.

“Viper is-” Her words are abruptly cut off and she falls to the ground, as the sound of a gunshot cracks through the night. I too, throw myself to the ground, breathing heavily.

It takes five attempts to regain the use of my voice box. “Al…Aly…Alyssa?”  There’s no reply. “Alyssa?” Still no reply.

My phone vibrates and dread suddenly rushes through my body. I yank it from the jean constraints and I open the message with shaky fingers.

She’s been terminated. Stay clear of the bullet, Kiddo.

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