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The wind from falling teases my hair into knots. The breeze flows through my fingers like silk. Maybe this was a good idea. Maybe this was right.
Suddenly the feeling goes away and I feel as if, I'm being carried through the air.
Somebody is holding me. In mid air.
My eyes fly open as we land on the ceiling again.
It's a man. He has dark skin and shaved black hair. His facial hair is faint, but still visible. He's.. inhumanly beautiful. His facial structure, his.. he wasn't wearing a shirt of any kind, so his bare, perfect chest is showing. In fact, all he's wearing is a pair of white, billowing pants and tan sandals.
His most striking feature, out of all his beauty? The wings on his back.
Pure white feathers, almost glowing in the faint sunlight, it seems. Each wing probably stretched out to be 6 feet long, if not longer.
He stares into my eyes, as I do to him. His eyes are a deep, dark brown. They're dark, but bright and sparkling all at the same time.
This is a lot to take in, especially all at once. I bite my lip nervously. He smirks, clearly amused. He sets me down so I'm standing, but not on my own. His hands hold my hips firmly. I feel my cheeks warm up as I blush. He smiles. "Hello Mandy," he says.
His voice. It's.. I can't even explain it. It's slightly deeper than the average males.. and beautiful.
How does he know my name?
"I'll explain when you get home. But for now.." he pulls me closer. Our faces are at the most, 4 inches apart. He smirks as my eyes go wide. Suddenly, his huge wings move, and we're flying.
I gasp and wrap my arms around his waist. He chuckles and flies faster. I bury my face in his chest. Even though I don't know him, I figure holding him is safer then falling.
Wasn't I trying to kill myself before he showed up? I let go of him.
He gasps and moves toward me, wings flapping frantically. He catches me yet again. "Don't do that," he says forcefully, his eyes hard. "Don't do what?" I ask. "Try to kill yourself," he says, rolling his eyes.
He lands on the ground behind my apartment and sets me down again, skillfully my waist. Sudddenly his wings come towards him. And they disappear into his back. "Woah," I whisper. He smirks at my expression and opens my door. He leads me inside, his palm lightly resting on the small of my back, and I shiver. He chuckles, clearly amused at my nervousness.
He closes the door and locks it after we're both inside. "Ok, I'm in my house, now, start talking," I say, glaring up at him. He smirks. "Sit down. It's a long story," he says. I rsfuse to sit, and he laughs at my stubbornness. He looks me in the eyes, and finally gives me some information.
"I've known you ever since you were born. I watched you grow up, live, learn. I've watched over you, made sure that you never got fatally hurt. I guess I did a good job physically. But mentally, well, you seem pretty dead, considering you tried to kill yourself. I got here just in time. Mandy, I'm your guardian angel. But, you can call me Leon," he says. "I know everything about you," he adds, looking into my eyes. "Prove it," I say. He smirks.
"Your favorite color is yellow, because it reminds you of the sun. Your scared to talk to people because you hate rejection. You want to be loved. You want somebody to hold and to keep you safe. Well, you've found him," He says, lightly taking my hands in his, whispering the last part. "What kind of love?" I whisper, overwhelmed by all of what he just told me.
"For now, it hasn't changed. I love you like a sister. But.." he trails off. "Now that your all grown up.. things might change. You're not some crying toddler anymore," he whispers in my ear, holding me closer. I'm pretty sure that there isn't any room between us, because I can feel the heat radiating from him, feel his heartbeat against my cheek. I bite my lip nervously.
Love? He loves me? I have absolutely no idea who he is, but, for some reason, I trusted him immediately. He seems extremely familiar, but I have no idea from where.
And I'm going to find out.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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