Chapter 11: Confusion

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   You walked with Ezio to a quieter part of the city, and you both sat on a bench facing out into the water.

"So, your friend Gavino does not seem to like me." Ezio commented and you gave a small laugh.

"You could say that. I am sorry about what he did, Ezio, he seemed to believe he was helping me."

"Does he believe I am a danger to you?"

"No, no! He believes that while in your company I am in more danger. Not that you yourself are dangerous." You told him, unsure of how true your words were.

"Well... you do have a scar." He said, sounding almost a little sad, as he reached forward. He put his hand on the side of your neck, and stared as he ran his thumb over the faded scar on your neck.

"Guards have little respect for anyone other than themselves and their masters." Ezio slowly pulled his hand back.

"That is very true."

You sat for a moment, content to sit silently in Ezio's company. Watching the water slowly ripple with the tide. Somebody was cooking nearby, you could smell tomatoes.

"Gavino mentioned that he had seen you with a woman." You mentioned offhandedly and felt his gaze on you.

"Sì. I was with a woman." He informed you, though did not continue as you had expected he would.

"Was she a friend? Or somebody in the same line of work as you?" For a moment he didn't answer, and so you continued, "Perhaps a romantic interest?"

He gave a short laugh as he answered, "She is in the same business as I am. We had to discuss something." You let out a breath that you hadn't realised you had been holding.

"Your work! As an Assassin. You must make a lot of money from it." You commented, and he quickly turned to look at you, confusion in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"You are an Assassin, aren't you? Do you not get paid to... kill... people?" You asked, confused. You question, however, seemed to make him even more confused.

"No, you do not understand. I-..." He did not get the chance to finish his sentence. He was interrupted by hurried footsteps and a female voice.

"[Name]!" You turned to look in the direction of the voice. The first thing you noticed was the dress. A pink courtesan dress. Your eyes travelled up to meet with the hazel eyes belonging to Isabella.

"Isabella? What are you doing here?" You asked, noticing how panicked she looked. It was not that which caught your attention, however. It was the absence of Maria. It always did catch your attention, and you feared you would never get used to seeing Isabella alone.

It had been over a year since Maria's death, and you were still not used to her absence. You missed how worried she always was about you, how excited she would get at the prospect of you meeting a man, and how she was always interested in your life. It was also her presence around the brothel that you missed. You could often find her checking her black hair and ensuring it was neat, and you could often hear her singing or laughing. The life of a courtesan will never be safe. Even for the kindest and most innocent of people.


"[Name]!" Teodora called, and you walked into the parlor to find her looking for something.

"Sì?" You said as you leaned against the doorway.

"I need Maria's help. Could you go find her?"

"Where might she be?" You asked.

"She was with a client earlier, though he should be gone now. Check her room." You nodded and left the room. As you made your way upstairs, you couldn't help but hope that the man really had gone so that you wouldn't walk in on anything you didn't particularly want to see.

You reached her room to find the door closed. You knocked gently, expecting her to answer. She did not.

"Maria?" You called out, knocking again. Still there was no answer. This was odd.

"Maria, are you in there?" You called out a little louder, knocking a little harder. But there was still no answer. Now curious, you placed your ear against the door, hoping for some kind of sign that she was in there with the man.


She could have gone out, but you had to check her room first.

"Maria, I am coming in." You called out before opening the door. You pushed the door wide open and stepped in. Greeted by a sight you had not anticipated.

She was on the bed. Her long black hair was strewn around her head messily, and her dress was missing, leaving her as bare as the day she had come into the world without a shred of cloth to cover her dignity. You approached slowly, not entirely knowing why you were moving or what you were expecting. You caught glimpse of her dark blue eyes, wide and staring lifelessly up at the ceiling. Then you saw bruises forming on her neck.

And you screamed.


You shook your head of the memory, trying to rid yourself of the image of Maria's body. This was not the time to start thinking about her, not with Isabella looking so panicked.

"Teodora is looking for you. She says it's urgent." You sighed at that. It was always urgent with Teodora.

"What is it about this time?" You asked, and she seemed to glance around nervously.

"You were seen with a man earlier and Teodora was told." You sighed audibly.

"I am more than old enough to be with a man, Isabella." You grumbled, feeling Ezio's amused gaze on you.

"She says it is important!" Isabella snapped, and you quickly stopped talking. She looked on edge. "It is about him! I do not know what, only that she needs you to return to La Rosa Della Virtù." You glanced over at Ezio, who now looked even more confused than he had before.

"I should go see to this, Ezio." You said, attempting to make your voice sound apologetic.

"Of course. I was actually hoping to speak with Teodora, so I will escort you back." Ezio said as he stood up, offering his hand out to you. You looked at Isabella, looking for her permission for Ezio to join you. She gave a quick nod, and you took Ezio's hand, allowing him to help you up.

Isabella began to lead the way back to LaRosa Della Virtù while you and Ezio followed. You were certain that your faceshowed your confusion, but you found yourself unable to mask it. What could Teodora need to tell me sourgently? 



Yeah... this wasn't a very interesting chapter... sorry about that :( 

Next chapter though, will be FAR more interesting! Pinky swear! 

Vote/Comment/Fan :) 

~ Bethanie x

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