A time long ago part 1

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Hey everyone,
I'm gonna try and update quicker . I've been very busy lately. Anyway, the pic at the top actually is of Ian Somerhalder ( the actor who plays Damon) .
I couldn't find one of Jessica Heap though, she's the actress I chose for Dacia.
Hope you enjoy
" Lilly! It's so good to see you ," cries Aunt Amelia after opening the door .
" and Damon , my he's getting so big now! "

" Where's Daci ?" Damon asks nervously, hiding behind Lilly's skirt .
" She's just in the parlour dear , would you like to come and see her ? " Amelia asks .

Before she got an answer Damon ran through the hall to find Dacia.
" Dami! " Shouted an excited Dacia.

The twins hugged as Amelia and Lilly talked .
" So, where's little Stefan ?"
" Oh... Um ... I had to leave him at home with Guiseppe you see .
Unfortunately I think he's too young to not tell his father and you know he can't find out ,"

" Well it'd be nice to see him every once in a while, the darling twins are 8 now - it has all gone so quickly!"

" Well maybe when he's a little older , I suppose I could bring him when he is 9 ? "
" Oh but Lillian, that is so far away!"

" Honestly sister, Stefan is very close with his father, and if I were to bring him here , he wouldn't hesitate to tell him about it ."

Meanwhile in the garden

" Catch me Dami ! Catch me ! "
Dacia exclaimed as they ran round the old elm trees .

" I'm gonna get you Daci !"
Yelled an excited Damon .

The two chase each other around laughing. For a time they are happy, and both forget for a moment what they will return to .

A while later they sit and talk in the clearing in the woods.

" I've missed you Dami ."
" I've missed you too sis ."
" we don't see each other enough," said Dacia , pouting.

" you know it has to be this way , if father finds out he'll be angry again."

" But what if we could meet here , in these woods ?
We know the way , and father will never know ," Damon adds thoughtfully.
And so for many years the children met in the woods.
These meetings excited them and gave them an escape .

An escape from constant spell practice , from Guiseppe's beatings, and just from life in general.

They wouldn't see each other again with their mother and Aunt present. Unfortunately Lilly decided their father would soon begin to question where she was going; and was paranoid that eventually he would figure it out .

In her mind, with one look at their " Neice" he would realise who she was .

That she wasn't Amelia's at all , but their daughter who he was told died as a baby .

Lilly felt horrible, as she believed she was causing her children to forget each other .
Though unbeknownst to her , they still met in the clearing every day .

It was there that many years later Damon would introduce Stefan to their sister.

" So why are we here brother? " an 11 year old Stefan asked inquisitively.
" Um ... You shall see in a moment," a 16 year old Damon nervously replied.

Just then , Dacia came through the trees , carrying her skirts as she went .
" Do you know who this is ?"
A confused Stefan asked his brother.

" Um ... Well Stef you see , this .. this is our sister ."

" The one who ' died' as a baby . You have to promise not to tell , Dacia doesn't live with us because Dacia is a witch . And you know how much father hates those ,"
He explained.

" I don't know if you remember,
but we used to bring you to play here . We may be separated but I still wanted you to know our sister." He adds .

" And of course I want to know you Stef ," Dacia interjects .

" Um this is a lot to take in . I suppose I understand why father can't know . I'll try my best not to tell him . And sister, will I see you again?"

" Of course you will , as much as you like ," Dacia cries .
And with that she pulls them both in for a hug .

Then the siblings say there goodbyes and go their separate ways.

Stefan's POV

My mind is racing.
I can't believe we have a sister.
Why did no one tell me ?

I thought mother would have told me before she ...

And Stefan decides he doesn't want to think about that.

Their mother died of consumption a few years ago . ( in the show this was when she turned into a vampire).

She told me she loved me the last time I saw her , and to make sure me and Damon watch out for each other.
It was before she left , father sent her away when she became ill .

He said he didn't want the embarrassment of the town knowing he'd be a widow .
He didn't want their pity .

My father has been my role model.
But some of the things he shall say are very unagreeable and wrong .

I wish mother was still here.
There is much I would ask her .

Damon was the closest to her .
I worry about him , he puts up a brave front, but I know he really misses her.


Part two is still in the making but I'll update as soon as I can . I just wanted to say , I know the age gap between Damon and Stefan is about 8 years at least so I know it doesn't really fit with this .

But I wanted the first flashback to be when the twins were still young .
I felt any older would be too old to be one of the first times seeing each other .

And I think I might have been spelling Guiseppe wrong so sorry about that if I have .

Anyway I hope you liked it , and thank you Charlie_holmes for always inspiring me to write more.
Hope you liked reading it Charl , and I can't wait to read your next update.

Georgia Xx

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