Bathroom Confessions

Start from the beginning

"There. Now are you g-going to tell me what the fuck is going on?" I ask when I feel some of the drunkenness fade.
She pulls out her phone and slides it over to me with the screen open on an app I recognized as Viber.
"Dude, I can't even think straight let alone read this. Just... just tell me what it says."
Frustrated, she roughly runs her hands through her hair, "David pulled the contract. He paid the penalty and fired us without explanation."
I stare at the phone for who knows how long, trying to make sense of the words that were slowly forming on the screen. What did this mean? Had Jade come clean? Did she finally leave David? It's been almost four months, maybe Jade had thought things through and realized that she couldn't live a miserable lie of a life with David.

A spark of hope flashes in the deepest parts of my heart, igniting a small flame and causing warmth to creep up from whatever abyss that had madr it's home in my chest.

"They're-- They're wedding is off?" I stutter and it wasn't at all because I was drunk.
Batchi shakes her head, "that's the thing... The wedding is still on. They hired Nancy Dickerson. Can you believe that? Nancy-fucking-Dickerson." she scoffs.

Whatever flame or fire that had warmed my heart was quickly snuffed out by Batchi's answer. Quickly replaced by this heavy feeling coupled with a deathly chill like I was doused in ice water. Guilt and sadness replaced hope because once again I had messed up; not only did I lose Jade but I also caused Batchi to lose a very big pay out.

God, how could I be so stupid?

"I just..." She huffs before grabbing a glass from Eddie and taking a sip. "I thought you and Jade were done? What the hell happened that night?"
I flinch like her question had cut me, "I told you. We ended things."
"Was David there? Did he find out?"
"No, he wasn't there."
"Are you sure? He wouldn't have ended the contract just like that without any reason."

I wrack my brain for any clues, anything that might have lead to his decision. Aside from Jade telling him the truth there was nothing else that could have given him any idea of the truth, "I-- I'm sure. We were in the apartment. Alone."
Another sigh passes Batchi's lips, shaking her head in dismay. "Well, whatever. Can't do shit about it now. They paid more than enough to cover us."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have--" "Ah. Ah. Ah. We talked about this."
"No buts. You can't stop your heart from falling for someone any more than I can stop Eddie here from losing at a game of darts."
"Hey!" The bartender whines, "I lost twice!"
"Out of two." Batchi countered, sticking out her tongue at the old man.
Eddie huffs, his salt-and-pepper hair swaying from side to side along with his head, "I'm going to stop letting you win, Luna."
"Let's put that to the test old man. You and me. Right now."
"You're on." The man then unties his apron before stepping out from behind the bar, leading Batchi to the dartboard. I stay in my seat and simply watch them from my seat as I sip on the glass of water that Batchi had provided me.

After a few minutes, I notice a man taking a seat on the stool beside mine. Normally I wouldn't have paid him any mind but given that the bar was empty and he smelled of expensive perfume I turned to look at him.

"Hello, Althea." David whispers, his hand closing around my shoulder tightly. "Long time no see."
The surprise of seeing him paired with the grip he had on my shoulder rendered me speechless, my heart beating furiously behind the hollow on the base of my throat.
"I won't be here long. I just have something I need to say." He says before inching closer towards me, "Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"
"Wh-what are you talking about?" I ask, finally finding my voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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