Good Juju; Bad Juju

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Jade had never had that life-changing moment that she would always see in the movies. That moment where everything seemed to come together in a moment of clarity, like an explosion in slow motion that she couldn't believe she didn't see coming until it was right in her face.

That life-altering moment where the world seems to tilt then shift around her; making her head swim in what seems like a disjointed version of reality. Time stopped and all Jade could register was Althea; her lips, her eyes and her voice. That voice that seemed to wrap around her very heart before flowing through each and every vein in her body.

It pulled Jade from where she stood and threw her into an abyss where nothing existed but Althea and this sensation; of descending, falling, crashing. The sensation of losing herself to love.

Jade could feel it and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fight it.

She was falling for Althea.

Her thoughts are interrupted when she feels a hand on her shoulder, "Shhh..." Althea hushes softly before pulling Jade away from the bed. "Sorry about that, he..." the woman pauses to scratch the back of her head shyly, "he's pretty filterless when it comes to... uh... Nevermind. Do you-- do you want to get some air?
Jade nods then smiles to hide the feelings behind her eyes. "Sure."

Althea leads Jade towards the fire escape then up towards the rooftop where Althea sits on the concrete half wall wrapped around the rooftop while Jade simply leans against it.
"I feel like I should apologize." Jade muttered silently, her hands picking at the invisible dirt on her skirt
The woman sitting on the edge hums curiously, "why?
"Because I don't think you wanted to sing while I was there. I feel like I was intruding on a very personal moment between you and your dad."
Althea's lips part when I answer and then she shakes her head lightly, "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to." She shrugs casually.

Neither of them talk for several moments. They simply marinate in each other's presences; breathing in the air around them without even looking at each other. They didn't have to; simply knowing the other was nearby was enough.

Jade took that silence as a chance to calm her racing heart. This can't be happening. I can't be falling for a... for a... a-- a woman! Jade thought frantically as her hands clench against the fabric of her skirt, trying to make sure Althea doesn't see the way her hands were closed into tight fists.

"So? How are you and David?" The question catches Jade off guard and her eyes dart up to look at Althea. The woman was looking up at the sky with a pensive look in her eyes. Jade could see conflict in them, like Althea didn't really want to know the answer to her own question.
"David and I are okay." Jade answers plainly.
"Okay doesn't sound very happy."

"What? No, I am! I'm-- I'm happy..." She answers unconvincingly, pausing as she realizes that she didn't even believe the words coming out of her mouth. "I mean-- I'm fine with him. He's been my boyfriend since high school, you know? He's all I know and I'm fine with that."

Althea stops to think for a moment, "okay, but you do know that 'fine' is different from 'happy', right?"
"To me, there's no difference. David and I were paired ever since we were teenagers and I'm fine with that. They said our union would be 'prosperous' to both our families and, really, that's all that matters."
Jade watches as a crease forms on the other woman's forehead, "that's it? What about love? Are you in love with him?"

Again, Althea's question causes Jade to pause; having never been asked before about this particular topic before. "I... Yes! Of course! He's like my male best friend. He's a nice guy and he respects me so yeah, I love him."
Her answer doesn't seem to have satisfied Althea because the woman shakes her head softly, "Alright but what about that kind of love that changes you? Like a soulmate?"
"Mm, I don't believe in those."
"Yeah. I don't believe they exist. Love can be learned, it doesn't just happen overnight or at first sight." Jade takes a step to the side as Althea slips from her perch and lands gracefully beside her.

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