More About The Case

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It was a lazy Sunday for Neal and Brandon.

After a scrumptuous lunch with the Burke's, Elizabeth took Brandon with her to the neighbour's to help him socialise with kids his age.

Neal couldn't agree more. Brandon needed some toddler exposure too and the neighbour's 1 year old son was the perfect opportunity.

While El was gone, Peter and Neal settled on the couch.

Scanning through the files given by Diana, Peter spoke, "I studied the files last night, I will give a summary of these bunch of files, while you scan through them."

He handed over the files to Neal, taking the files Neal said, "Ok Peter, start the narration."

Peter settled into a more comfortable position as he started, "Lets begin with Senator Andrew West. He worked for the CDC nearly all his career.

He is noted for his various impact filled research papers.

Remember when the CDC came up with a cure for the M1V1 virus that was creating havoc in our country 8 years ago?... As Neal nodded, Peter continued...

"Well Dr Andrew West was given the credit for coming up with the moleculer conformation that made the cure possible.

Since then his career knew no bounds. He published many more papers... Until 8 years ago when he resigned from the CDC and stood for elections.

It was obvious he would win, having a previous Senator as a father and add your own success to it, he did win 2 years ago.

Since then he's been doing well for himself as well as the citizens. So everyone is happy.

Now here is the catch, there have been many complaints and accusations against him too. There was a scientist he worked with who claimed that M1V1 cure was discovered by him and that Dr West stole it.

It was never proven and the matter was suppressed rather quickly.

Conveniently that scientist had a heart attack a month later after the accusations.

There were few other people who were raising their voices against him but after this incident, every opposition stopped altogether.

He still visits the CDC at least once every month, though I don't understand why.

Then there is the question of suspicious funding. I've instructed Jones to get me a list of everyone who funds his campaign.

We will then go through every name and authenticate it.

If its a shell company, we will follow the bread crumbs and nab the person behind the illegal fundings."

"I approve of that," Neal said, as he got up and paced around the living room, "I think we should try and find out if Dr. West really stole that other guy's research or not and also whether he murdered him or not.

After all it won't be too hard for a renowned scientist to induce a heart attack.

Then I also wonder why he still visits the CDC? I mean he must be busy with more important work now that he is a Senator.

Or is it that he is on the look out for more research he can steal and claim as him own?

I know this all is speculation, but we better be thorough this time. I don't want any one of us to suffer like we did during the Senator Pratt case."

Peter sighed, "You are right Neal, I will make a note of all these points and will make people start working on it first thing in the morning."

Noting the tasks Peter continued, "Lets come to Anthony West now.

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