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Neal was loving fatherhood!

Yes, there were times when he would blame the heavens for bringing such calamity on him.

But- not today. Today he was mesmerized, not by a Raphael, or a couture design or anything remotely artistic.

He was enchanted by his green-eyed son, who was busy playing with rubber ducks in his new inflatable mini pool.

El had instructed him to start bathing his son, to spend some 'motherly moments' with him as Brandon would certainly be missing his mother's care.

So Neal had taken upon himself the task of bathing his son, turning it into a 'fatherly moment'.

As Neal washed of the remaining soap from Don's body, Brandon continued to play & chew his rubber duck.

Neal was really amazed at how calm Brandon was... he never once cried during the shower, in fact he enjoyed slapping the water in his tub, getting Neal all wet.

Neal wrapped him in a towel & laid him on the bed, as he rummaged for clothes in his temporary wardrobe of the guest room.

Peter walked in then with his guilty face on, "I told her. I wasn't able to keep it from her."

Neal was confused, "What? Who?... Wait you TOLD El about Brandon being related to you?"

Peter sighed & whispered, "Yes... & also about Patrick's potential daughter."

This time it was Neal's turn to sigh, "So how did she take it, was she angry?"

"No" Peter replied, as if he was unsure of what he was saying, "No, she took it fairly well. I mean she didn't shout or react at all. But now that I think of it, it was weird, maybe I should go talk to her-"

"No need hun," El's voice floated from the passageway.

She soon joined Peter on Neal's doorway, placing a hand on Peter's arm, "Peter it IS a shock to know about Don.

But knowing that he's related to you, makes me happy to know we have a family outside of you & me... The only fact I'm not happy with is that I'm too young to be a great aunt."

El frowned while Peter & Neal grinned.

El added "And also if you think there is any possibility that Patrick's child may have survived, I think you should pursue your thought & check for all leads. You need a closure hun, let this opportunity give you one."

Walking into the room, El sat on the bed.

Picking up a struggling Don, who was reluctant to let go of his rubber duck, El surveyed him.

"Well done Neal," El's sounded surprised, "You've dressed him properly, even the diaper is not dangling like last night. I'm impressed...

You've quickly evolved into a dad."

Neal blushed, "Oh its thanks to you Elizabeth. Thank you for the tutorials."

"No problem," El smiled, giving Brandon back to Neal as she got up, "Well I came to tell you that Diana called me regarding some case papers Peter had ordered her to get home."

El gave a disapproving look to Peter, "And even though I don't approve of getting work back home, I thought of making an exception today. I invited her & Jones for brunch."

"Oh no no no," Neal got up hastily, "they don't know about Brandon yet, Jones will pester me to death with his questions & comments-"

"It's already done Neal," El replied smugly, "And I invited them especially because of their lack of knowledge about Don. They need to know, its been almost 2 days.

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