Chapter 9

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Sam and Jake were a little scared by the fact that they had just aged and that they had actually altered time. Could they have done something 5 years ago when they were 7? Was it possible? They decided that they needed even more answers than they already had, but where would they start? The one place that they hadn't looked was their attic. When they checked their attic they found a painting with a black laughing stick and they used the staff on it and they saw a little boy with a pitch black shadow behind him. They realized that that was the force of time and the shadow was the old force of time in the picture.

Once agian the saw the black face with faint words that said "you're next!" Sam and Jake were so scared they left the staff in the attic and the sap cracked and the force of time was released.

The OccuringNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ