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Puffs of air escape my lungs in tiny white clouds as my heart beats a rhythm against my chest as the adrenalin starts to kick in. Daring to look behind me, my breath lodges itself at the back of my throat with the realisation that the beasts chasing me are in hot pursuit and are gaining speed fast.

Knowing this is all a game to them I motion to my friend and together in an attempt to out smart them we turn down an alley.

Big mistake.

Not only is it a dead end but there are more beasts festering here. They stop their meal and sniff the air. Their heads turn in our direction and I swear an evil smirk spreads across its mussel.

My eyes are glued to its beaming red eyes and my feet automatically take steps backwards, that is until I feel warm breath fanning across the back of my neck. Slowly turning my head and body around i'm met face to snout with the 5'6 beast. Black beady eyes flicker between red and black, before it settles on a mixture of the two and lets out a menacing growl that has me quivering in my shoes and judging by the grip on my hand it effected Claire just as much as it did me.

The beast takes a step forward and that's when black dots and exhaustion take over and I fall to the ground taking Claire down with me. The beasts really ruled the night tonight is my last thought as I slip into oblivion.

Wolf in sheeps clothingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum