Chapter 6: In the Homestretch

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The vet checked him out and said that Jekyll had a case of colic. And that he would be down for 2 weeks. She prescribed a medication and told me to keep him walking and on his feet. I thank the vet and got Jekyll up. I took him to the paddock and I walked him around for hours. I was worried because we only had 2 weeks until the Belmont Stakes and he wouldn't be ready. At dark I took him back to his stall and I walked him even more. Randall came out to check on me and him. He brought the medicine out and I gave it to Jekyll. I lifted his head up and he looked at me with the most tired and sad eyes. He seemed to tell me that he wanted to keep fighting but he was tired and in pain. I let him stop but I kept him standing. Randall came in the stall and he held me. I held Jekyll in my arms. I didn't want to lose him. I loved him like family. I loved all my horses like family. I handed the lead to Randall and I sat in the hay and watched him walk.
Jekyll recovered quicker than I thought. The first three nights were terrible. I thought he might not make it. At that point he began to give up the fight. He refused food and water. He fought me to keep him standing. He was looking duller and duller.   The fourth day I woke up to Jekyll nudging me with his nose. I was so happy! I grabbed his lead rope and I hugged him. Jekyll looked me in the eyes and I could see that he was trying to tell me that he was ok and he was better. He nickered and rubbed his head on my sweatshirt. I yelled for Randall. He came running. I told him that he needed to call the vet. When the vet arrived she cleared him with a clean bill of health. She was surprised at how quickly he bounced back. She said that if we took the training slow that he would be ready to race in the Belmont Stakes.

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