Chapter 1 - Tsubaki Kuroda

Start from the beginning

“Looks good,” I replied dully. The cook brought out two plates of dinner and I ate it quickly. My day consisted of the same things - I woke up, had breakfast, did something useless until lunch, did the same until dinner, then went to sleep. I really had nothing to do. I guess this was real boredom, unlike the ones at the academy when I had finished all my homework and had nothing to do.

“What did you do today?” aunt Kyoko asked, trying to start a conversation.

I shook my head. “Nothing much. I did a few maths problems I found in my old textbook, walked around in the garden and practised using my powers. That’s about it.”

Aunt Kyoko sighed. “We really should get you to do something better than be bored here. I really don’t suggest searching for Haruka, since you had been doing that for a while without gaining anything. And the academy... Will they still accept you after you left for nine months? Maybe we should ask Takeru-kun to quit his job at the academy-”

“No, you can’t do that! He loves that job, teaching people German. And all the students love him too… it would be such a horrible thing to do, dragging him back here to accompany  me.”

“Ah, you’re too considerate! Let’s leave Takeru-kun for now, since he does enjoy that job. What about the Kuran girl you lived with?”

“What, Yuki?” 

“I suppose. What do you think about going to her? I’m sure she’s just as bored as you,” she suggested. I shook my head.

“She’s finally been reunited with her brother, Kaname. And they’re lovers - I’d be intruding rather than joining them.”

“The hunter society won’t let vampires near it. I guess your only option is to stay here, or find a husband.”

I sighed. “Thank you for concern… but I think I should leave and travel around the villages. I desperately want to find my father, even if I must go alone.”

“If that’s how you really want it, I’ve got just the right person for you!” Aunt Kyoko said excitedly.


“Barry-san?!” I exclaimed when Jamie Barry appeared at the doorstep.

“Yo, Sakura! Wait, I should be calling you Tsubaki, right?”

I nodded nervously. What was this ecstatic boy doing here? “C-come on in…”

“Thanks,” he replied, entering. 

“Are you planning to stay a night?” I asked.

“Nah, let‘s just get going! By the way, I love your dress. It’s beautiful!” he complimented. I blushed, and looked down at it. I had bought it with Takeru. He said the emerald colour suited me, especially with the daisies printed on. It was only knee length but I loved it.

I got my beige coat from off the rail and put it on swiftly. I pulled on my boots which I was growing out of, and smiled. “Let’s go then!”


We had been wandering about for ages, not getting anywhere. I decided to stop at a village inn for the night and ate the dinner aunt Kyoko had prepared. Barry-san was already snoring on his futon, murmuring every now and then. Did he even know I was a vampire? How did aunt Kyoko know him? I thought about this as I ate, and when I had finished I went outside.

It was windy, and dark. The sun had set beyond the high mountains and the streets were deserted. It wasn’t usually like this at seven-thirty in the evening, was it? 

My head turned round once. Still, no one appeared. All the shops were closed and the street lamps were dim. My heartbeat quickened vastly as I walked back to the hotel. My fists were clenched tightly, but I wasn’t ready for combat of any sort.

Searching for Senri Shiki (sequel to Senri Shiki - My Forbidden Vampire Knight)Where stories live. Discover now